
     It is a well-known fact that no Optical Character Recognition program is
     100% correct 100% of the time. The EnoWeb would be happy if its OCR
     software was even 50% correct 100% of the time. But it isn't. Usually the
     output of the articles contained in this archive starts off along the lines of
     "@@@@ En* h0pes t0 nork mith @Dvvid B0nie tris suvvver'-". Sweet are
     the uses of adversity, however, for just occasionally -- in an Eno-esque
     spirit of randomness -- the OCR software used for some of the articles in
     the EnoWeb turns up some twisted realities that may just provide insights
     into Brian's private opinions and motivations.

     I like discovering big terntones.


     All the elements in the piece are hard in the first few seconds.

                                   One man's nirvana is another man's map.

     How important chat is to you.

                                                     Music For Films ILL

     Both these identities had finite ives

                                                       Eno happily hoasts

     concentrating on sonie details

               The tird method is actually the way people think composers work.

                             ore Music for Airports

                                            My Life In The Rush Of Ghosts

     It's cat led Grant Avenue

                    I come into the studio in spuns, like a wee@ in every month

     Use all meall to defend citizen Cocker

                                            Discreet Musk (Obscure, 1975)

     More than lust a diary of day-to-day activities

                                                 Love talkin@ about death

                      parts of your brain are @ pornography

     I thought, his loos interesting, I'm just going to fiddle around with it for a bit

                       hose work outside of that context is really not interesting

     That's why I was surprised when you came back from Asda and wet straight
     in to produce the Talking Heads. [EnoWeb note: ASDA is a UK
     supermarket chain...]

                                      What do you thhlk about Garg Numan?

                              you ex poe yourself

     picking up and discarding theories at an ever-increasing rat

                                          a cafe wind or something like that

     modem music - Steve Reich for example

                            My music is used dead.

                                             On Naturalism: lady's breasts.

     a dark night of them will touch something in me.

                  Make them more dreamlike. That's a feel-point.

                                          Phil Spector or Jimi Hen-speaker.

     I feel like I'm in a lime capsule

                  It's often the initially unpromising thigh that turn out interesting.

                           Here Come The Wart Jets

     "I can't bear ate" he says of the attention he's drawn recently.

                           the grey fight after sunset

                                        About a third of it was tone at home.

        typically I do something and then I find it Cola itself. Your best things arc

     mused heavy bells gong jowly

                     the long, golden sunlight of law afternoon.

                            They are returning from the funnel of his best friend

                        Mused by snow sting to fall at sea

     theme from the Inuring Dutchman

                             Interested in his musty

                 Brian Eno was last seen In a Parts airport heading for Bangkok
