Changing Line Styles and Colors

You can change the styles, colors, and widths of the lines, such as axes and grid lines, that appear on charts. You can also change the colors and widths of lines that are drawn around chart elements like the title and the legend.

The first step in changing line styles and colors is deciding which lines you want to change.
To change the style or color of... Select... Choose menu option... Choose tab...
Axis the axis Format Axis Line Style
Chart outline anything Format Chart Line Style
Data label outline the data label(s) Format Data Labels Line Style
Data point outline the data point(s) Format Data Point Line Style
Drop lines the drop lines Format Drop Lines Line Style
High-low lines the high-low lines Format High-Low Lines Line Style
Legend outline anything Format Legend Line Style
Major grid lines the major grid lines Format Grid Lines Line Style
Minor grid lines the minor grid lines Format Grid Lines Line Style
Open-close bars the open or close bars Format Open-Close Bars Line Style
Plot outline anything Format Plot Line Style
Title outline anything Format Title Line Style

For information on selecting chart elements, see Selecting Chart Elements.

The Line Style Tab

The Line Style tab, shown below, lets you change the width, style, and color of the line(s) you selected.

When you finish making changes, click Apply to see your changes or OK to accept your changes.