Description Computes an F-test probability for two specified distributions.

Syntax FTEST (array1, array2)

Argument Description
array1 A set of at least 2 values. It must be a range reference or array constant containing numeric values. Text, logical values, and blank cells referenced by this function are ignored.
array2 A set of at least 2 values. It must be a range reference or array constant containing numeric values. Text, logical values, and blank cells referenced by this function are ignored. The number of values in array2 may be different than in array1.

Remarks To arrive at a result, this function first computes the variances of the two distributions, then an F ratio based on the two variances. It also computes the degrees of freedom by adding the counts of each sample and subtracting 1 from each count. Finally, it uses the FDIST function internally, with F ratio and degrees of freedom as arguments, to calculate the end result.

If the variance of array1 or array2 is 0, this function will return the #DIV/0! error.

Examples This function returns 0.167:
