Want a spline with the following conditions f(0)=0 f(1)=1 f'(0)=0 f'(1)=0 f''(0)=0 f''(1)=rho results in y=ax5+bx4+cx^3 a=6+rho/2 b=-15-rho c=10+rho/2 rho defines the curvature at x=1. Usable range of rho is +infinity to -20 Beyond x<-20, the spline dips below zero. Beyond x>0, the spline goes above 1. theoretically interesting value of rho are -7.5 and -12 where y/x^2 quadratic undergoes interesting changes. at -20 (the sharpest) we get y=-4x5+5x4 The an S-shaped curve with no degrees of freedom f(0)=0 f(1)=1 f'(0)=0 f'(1)=0 is -2t3+3t2