Hi everyone - A few notes on the George's Island trip for next year. - Making lunch at ESG is a good idea. However, when serving 24 people, buy more meat than 4lbs, more fruits than 40 and more juice boxes than 38. When making lunch near noon, make sure there are enough drinks so people don't drink juice boxes at ESG. - Dinner afterwards is a good idea. The group that goes with us to George's Island at the beginning is usually a strong core group of frosh who often end up returning to teach. The group that goes to dinner is even more so. The Other Side Cosmic Cafe was a lot of fun. So is the North End. Mike's is a must if the latter. - Handing out T instructions and a cell phone number for emergencies is a good idea. - Next time, come up with a list of toy suggestions for people to bring along, like frisbees and cards. - If possible, reserve 24 hours in advance to get a $1 discount on tickets. But this requires 25 people and a $75 deposit. - Get in line early so frosh don't have to wait. - Have someone go ahead and buy T tokens for everyone. This is perhaps done while the group is walking slowly from ESG to the subway station. Lastly, some of the things we did included: - Frisbee - Cards (Chi-Chi poker, Mafia) - Explore dark areas - Take photos along the wall of windows