Journal for 2003 October 17
I haven't felt like writing in my journal recently, but not for lack of things to say. A stray comment from Claudia ("How can you call yourself a Platonist when you haven't read all of Plato?!?") has sent me off reading and re-reading the dialogues. I'm making progress in getting all of the resources that I've developed at MIT available on my webpage. I'm saddened that I've lost some of my ability to tell stories, and I want to regain it, so I've been going through Aesop's Fables (and some of Grimms last weekend).

For Olin, I ran a "convolution theater" yesterday, to get people to act out being elements of a signal in "graphical" convolution. For this monday I still need to finish writing up a lab on convolution. Yesterday and the day before I was scrambling to get video working on the boards for class (and I still don't have that working completely), and it is only by staying late that I've managed to catch back up on homework grading (though not the labs).

All that said (because or in spite of) all of this, I got 8.5 hours of sleep last night.

In other reading news, I recently bought several new books, over Amazon: How to Win Friends and Influence People, Aesop's Fables, and Looking At Philosophy: The Unbearable Heaviness of Philosophy Made Lighter. I also started reading a book of Claudia's (since she's busy with relatives this weekend: How the Left Can Win Arguments and Influence People, which looks great.

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