Journal for 2003 September 3
Will working at Olin ever become ruitine? I hope that the early morning commute does. I stood up in front of the class for the first time yesterday, but said almost nothing. Friday is fast approaching (when I have a larger role).

Evidently, Jill is helping organize a community service fair! I'm not overly surprised, but this could offer me a clever out into the non-academic points of Olin.

On first evidence, Olin's mantra seems to be "everyone is an individual, and should be treated as such," paradozically combined with "let us figure out a process for everything." Everyone wants it to be clear what to do when, but want to be treated by that system as a unique exception. I'm also somewhat worried about the Olin Honor Code for students, which first triest to prescribe thought rather than behavior or consequence, and second has a clause whereby infringements must be reported. Civil liberty people would roll in their graves, and mostly now do. On the other hand, isn't this just a "spirit of the law" being more important than the law itselve, which I wholely support? Cannot both thought and action (though not experience) be attributed as both either correct or incorrect and as appropriate or inappropriate? No. The freedom of though and opinion is beyond the juristdiction of any system. The sad part is that many old fogies would likely agree with me, while those who recently came of age have largely, I suspect, not given it much though.

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