Rat of the Week
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The Rat Fan Club

The Rat of the Week

Atrus lives with Joy Perkinson who lives with her parents and brother in Portland, OR.  Joy writes, “Atrus is named for a character in the computer games and books called ‘Myst.’  He is less than a year old, but he’s very American—born on the Fourth of July and bought on September 11.  I’m a high school senior, and I bought Atrus to be my study buddy (I chose him because of the thin, white stripe on his head and his funny apricot smell), so he’s out of his cage for most of the evening while I work on homework.  He used to sit quietly on my shoulder, but after the first time I gave him free reign of my room, he’s been energetic. 


Whenever I snack, he gets some food.  He likes tea and soda a lot, with the caffeine only adding to his bounciness.  When not eating, his favorite activities include chewing up my pencils and running off with my essays, which I have to locate later.  He also practices climbing; I have a dresser whose back is two inches from the wall, and Atrus can climb to the top by pressing his back against the wall and his feet against the dresser, just like you see people do in the movies but on a smaller scale.  I’m off to MIT next fall, and we’ll see if any dorms allow rats.  If not, Atrus will stay with my mom, whose new obsession with rats is leading to the accumulation of figurines in my room.  In fact, a search for rat charms led me to find The Rat Fan Club.”




The Rat Fan Club,

857 Lindo Lane

, CA 95973

(530) 899-0605

Copyright 1999-2003