"Smithson, what is that infernal contraption?" "Why, MacKenzie. Don't you recognize it? It is the *Mumpower-Bobrow Device*. They published the plans in this month's issue of the Royal Journal of Infernal Contraptions." "It's terribly stylish, I grant, despite the huge plumes of blue smoke, horrible squawking noises, unsettling vibrations, and mephitic odor; but what in heaven's name is its purpose?" "My dear fellow, I haven't the faintest notion." "Well, if you are ignorant of its purpose, how did one come to be filling this entire dance hall?" "Oh, the Journal article was simply fascinating. I was engrossed in it for hours." "Smithson, may I point out that my inquiry remains uanswered?" "Ah, That. Well.. You know, MackKenzie. doesn't it match the design of the pipe organ splendidly?" "Smithson. You are eveding my question." "MacKenzie, you are absolutely right. Your astuteness does you credit." "Smithson...." "hmmm hm mm mm" "Do speak up!" "Er...it came from the, the - Institute." "Oh...I see. It *is* frightfully...MODERN." Smithson, I think you and I are both worldly intellectuals, well-equipped to handle all manner of scientific truths, no matter how new-fangled they may be. So please, disclose the nature of this most curious device! Ah, Uh...Er, Come on now, man! It manufactures tremendously imposing clarinets in the most garish color of blue you have ever seen!! Good lord! That sounds Infernal indeed! Might I see it in operation? McKenzie, I say you must ask the technicians.