Some descriptions of books, or cover blurbs, cry out ``read me!''.

Others are not so inspiring. This page is dedicated to those.

The cover of I Want It Now by Kingsley Amis describes the book as ``rancid.''

Susan R. Matthews' Exchange of Hostages is ``insidious.''

The cover of The Jonah Kit by Ian Watson says: ``A boy and a dead cosmonaut, trapped in the brain of a giant whale!''

"You'll never watch the Weather Channel the same way again." says Jim Butcher on the cover of Rachel Caine's Heat Stroke.

The winner has to be Acorna's Rebels by Anne McCaffrey, as summarized in the Science Fiction Book Club catalog:

When her lifemate Aari disappeared in the wake of a temporal disturbance, Acorna was left pining for his return. But when her adopted aunt Karina has a vision of many crying cats, the Unicorn Girl finds a much needed distraction in joining her friend Jonas Becker on a mission to telepathically communicate with temporally displaced Terran unicorn hunters. That mission is sidetracked when Becker's psychically endowed cat RK contributes to disabling their spaceship, so it has to be towed to the planet Makahomia. There they learn that Karina's dream is connected to a mysterious disease that is killing Makahomia's sacred temple cats. As the cats die, so does the planet's religion, leaving it vulnerable to the encroachment of advanced technology. Acorna uses her healing abilities to save the cats, only to find herself caught in a rebel siege against the conspiracy behind the disease, and in search of an ancient secret that could lead her back to her beloved Aari.