Red Herring Logo Red Herring Morris


Day of Dance

Frequently Anticipated Questions

How can my team get an invitation?
We always seem to have more teams that want to come than the event can handle. We like to dance with everybody, so we rotate the teams on the invitation list. If your team would really like to come, ask Jeff Bigler, the event organizer. If we don't have room for your team this year, we'll do our best to invite you next year.

How much does it cost?
$27. Less for children or participants not having lunch and/or beer at Salem Beer Works.

Can I bring the rest of my family?
Yes. Please be sure to include them in the headcount.

I heard that Red Herring once held its AGM in Jeff's hot tub. Can we use it too?
Actually, we only held the "debriefing" part of the AGM in the hot tub. The rest of the AGM happened elsewhere. Yes, the hot tub will be available during the Day of Dance. If you intend to use it, please read Jeff's hot tub rules & requests page, and don't forget to bring a towel.

What should I bring?
  • yourself, the rest of your team, and any friends or family members you'd like to drag along
  • directions to the first stand
  • everything you might need for a dance-out
  • bedding or a sleeping bag, if your host needs you to supply your own (check with your host)
  • a towel for the hot tub
  • a bathing suit for the hot tub, if you would prefer to wear one.
  • a potluck contribution if you can conveniently bring one. (If you're coming a long distance we won't be expecting you to bring anything, but feel free to surprise us.) We will arrange to have someone pick up potluck contributions at the first stand and drive them back to the house.
  • a picnic lunch for Sunday if you will be dancing at Lilac Sunday.

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Last modified: Thu Jul 20 02:13:14 2006 by