Source code for phot

"""Python script for various photometry tasks.  See especially
:func:`aperphot`, for basic aperture photometry.  If you need
something fancier, try PyRAF, DAOPHOT, etc.

# 2008-12-21 18:27 IJC: Created

from numpy import array, sign, pi, nan, arange
import numpy as np
import pdb
    import _chi2
    c_chisq = True
    c_chisq = False

class phot:
    def __init__(self, **kw):
        """Generate a photometry object w/keywords and kw+'str' descriptive keywords

        Inputs cannot be numpy arrays"""
        # 2009-09-14 10:07 IJC: Created
        keylist = ['time', 'phot', 'ephot', 'bg', 'ebg', 'aper', 'position', 'eposition', \
            'ditherposition', 'object', 'filename', 'exptime', 'ra', 'dec']
        defaults = dict(photunit=None)
        for key in keylist:
            keylist = keylist + [key+'str']
        for keyword in defaults:
            if (not kw.has_key(keyword)):
                kw[keyword] = defaults[keyword]

        for k in kw.keys():
            if kw[k].__class__==str:
        self.comment = "Created by IJC's"

    def __str__(self): # Return info
        # 2014-05-07 16:04: Added by J. Xavier Prochaska, UCSC
        lin= 'Phot: {} at pixel ({:.1f},{:.1f})\n'.format(self.object,
        lin+= '  Analyzed frame {}\n'.format(self.filename)
        lin+= '  Exposure time = {:.1f}s\n'.format(self.exptime)
        lin+= '  Aperture = {}, {}, {}\n'.format(self.aper[0],
        #lin+= '      {}\n'.format(self.aperstr)
        lin+= '  Counts/s = {} +/-  {}\n'.format(self.phot,self.ephot)
        return lin

[docs]def estbg(im, mask=None, bins=None, plotalot=False, rout=(3,200), badval=nan, verbose=False): """Estimate the background value of a masked image via histogram fitting. INPUTS: im -- numpy array. Input image. OPTIONAL INPUTS: mask -- numpy array. logical mask, False/0 in regions to ignore bins -- sequence. edges of bins to pass to HIST plotalot -- bool. Plot the histogram and fit. rout -- 2-tuple of (nsigma, niter) for analysis.removeoutliers. Set to (Inf, 0) to not cut any outliers. badval -- value returned when things go wrong. OUTPUT: b, s_b -- tuple of (background, error on background) from gaussian fit. Note that the error is analagous to the standard deviation on the mean COMMENTS: The fit parameters appear to be robust across a fairly wide range of bin sizes. """ # 2009-09-02 17:13 IJC: Created! # 2009-09-04 15:07 IJC: Added RemoveOutliers option. Use only non-empty bins in fit. # 2009-09-08 15:32 IJC: Error returned is now divided by sqrt(N) for SDOM # 2009-11-03 00:16 IJC: Improved guess for gaussian dispersion # 2011-05-18 11:47 IJMC: Moved (e)gaussian imports to analysis. # 2012-01-01 21:04 IJMC: Added badval option # 2012-08-15 17:45 IJMC: Numpy's new histogram no longer accepts 'new' keyword # 2013-03-20 08:22 IJMC: Now works better even for small numbers # of pixels; thanks to A. Weigel @ # ETH-Zurich for catching this! # 2014-08-29 10:05 IJMC: Added verbosity flag. # 2014-09-25 14:29 IJMC: Added check for no usability from numpy import histogram, mean, median, sqrt, linspace, isfinite, ones,std from pylab import find from scipy import optimize from analysis import removeoutliers, egaussian, gaussian, stdr if plotalot: from pylab import figure, errorbar, plot, colorbar, title, hist, mean, std #from analysis import imshow def gaussianChiSquared(guess, x, y, err): return (egaussian(guess, x, y, e=err)**2).sum() if mask==None: mask = ones(im.shape) dat = im.ravel()[find(mask<>0)] if plotalot: figure(); plot(im.ravel()); plot(dat) print mean(dat), std(dat), rout[0]*std(dat) print len(dat), (abs(dat-mean(dat))<(rout[0]*std(dat))).sum() figure(); plot(dat-mean(dat)); plot([0,len(dat)], [rout[0]*std(dat),rout[0]*std(dat)],'--k') plot([0,len(dat)], [-rout[0]*std(dat),-rout[0]*std(dat)],'--k') dat = removeoutliers(dat, rout[0], remove='both', center='mean', niter=rout[1], verbose=plotalot) ndat = len(dat) if ndat==0: if verbose>0: print "No data to work with!" return (badval, badval) if bins==None: if plotalot or verbose: print "no bins entered!" datmean = dat.mean() datstd = stdr(dat, nsigma=3) nunique = len(np.unique(dat.ravel())) #pdb.set_trace() if nunique > len(dat)/20.: dobin = False elif nunique>1: dobin = True bins = linspace(dat.min(), dat.max(), nunique/2) else: dobin = True bins = np.array([dat[0]-1, dat[0]+1]) if plotalot or verbose: print "dat.mean, dat.std>>" + str((dat.mean(), dat.std())) #if plotalot: # figure(); hout = hist(dat[datIndex],bins) #else: if dobin: binwidth = mean(bins[1::]-bins[:-1]) bincenter = 0.5*(bins[1::]+bins[:-1]) datIndex = (dat>=bins.min()) * (dat<=bins.max()) hout = histogram(dat[datIndex], bins) #,new=True) gy = hout[0] erry = sqrt(gy) usableIndex = gy>0 if usableIndex.size==0: return badval, badval eff_binwidth = mean(bins[usableIndex][1::]-bins[usableIndex][:-1]) guess = [gy.sum()*eff_binwidth, std(dat[datIndex]), median(dat[datIndex])] if 1.0*usableIndex.sum()/usableIndex.size < 0.5: out = guess else: out = optimize.fmin(gaussianChiSquared, guess, \ args=(bincenter[usableIndex],gy[usableIndex], erry[usableIndex]), \ disp=plotalot) if plotalot: from pylab import figure, errorbar, plot, colorbar, title from nsdata import imshow print 'guess>>',guess print 'fit>>',out figure() imshow(im); colorbar() figure() errorbar(bincenter[usableIndex], gy[usableIndex], erry[usableIndex], fmt='ob') plot(bincenter, gaussian(out, bincenter),'-r', linewidth=2) title('Mean: %f, Std. Dev.: %f' % (out[2], out[1])) ret = out[2], out[1]/sqrt(ndat) else: ret = datmean, datstd/sqrt(ndat) return ret
[docs]def makemask(x,y,params, shape='circle'): """Generate a binary (logical) mask with given shape and location. INPUTS: x = x-coodinate system (made with meshgrid) y = y-coodinate system (made with meshgrid) params: shape='circle': params(1) = x-offset params(2) = y-offset params(3) = x-diameter params(4) = OPTIONAL y-diameter shape='quad': params: list of quadrants to include in the mask. The midpoint for determining quadrants will be mid = (xmax+xmin)/2. Quadrants are: 0: x<midX and y<midY 1: x<midX and y>=midY 2: x>=midX and y<midY 3: x>=midX and y>=midY OPTIONAL INPUTS: shape=: desired mask shape. Currently only 'circle' is valid. OUTPUTS: mask = NxM grided representation of specified mask where NxM are the size of the x,y input meshgrids EXAMPLE: x=arange(32); y=arange(64) xx,yy = meshgrid(x,y) m = makemask(xx,yy,(24, 53, 10)) m[53,24] # ----> True """ # 2009-09-02 10:47 IJC: Created. Adapted from Joe Green's MakeEllipse.m # 2009-09-27 13:37 IJC: Added 'quad' quadrant mask option. from numpy import zeros, bool if not x.shape==y.shape: print "x,y meshgrid coordinates must be the same shape! Exiting." return -1 if shape=='circle': if len(params)<3: print "Must give at least 3 parameters to mask." return -1 x0 = params[0] y0 = params[1] xdia =params[2] if len(params)==3: ydia = xdia else: ydia = params[3] mask = ( (((x-x0)/(xdia/2.))**2 + ((y-y0)/(ydia/2.))**2) < 1 ) elif shape=='quad': midx = (x.max()+x.min())/2. midy = (y.max()+y.min())/2. mask = zeros(x.shape, bool) for ii in range(len(params)): if params[ii]==0: mask += (x<midx) * (y<midy) elif params[ii]==1: mask += (x<midx) * (y>=midy) elif params[ii]==2: mask += (x>=midx) * (y<midy) elif params[ii]==3: mask += (x>=midx) * (y>=midy) return mask
[docs]def centroid(im, mask=None, w=None, x=None, y=None): """Compute the centroid of an image with a specified binary mask projected upon it. INPUT: im -- image array mask -- binary mask, 0 in ignored regions and 1 in desired regions w is typically 1.0/u**2, where u is the uncertainty on im x,y are those generated by meshgrid. OUTPUT: (x0,y0) tuple of centroid location""" from numpy import ones, arange, meshgrid # 2009-09-02 13:35 IJC: Created if mask==None: mask = ones(im.shape) if w==None: w = ones(im.shape) if not (im.shape==mask.shape and im.shape==w.shape): print "Image, mask, and weights must have same shape! Exiting." return -1 if x==None or y==None: xx = arange(im.shape[1]) yy = arange(im.shape[0]) x,y = meshgrid(xx,yy) x0 = (x*im*mask*w).sum()/(im*mask*w).sum() y0 = (y*im*mask*w).sum()/(im*mask*w).sum() return (x0,y0)
[docs]def lmcextinct(ra, dec, **kw): """Use the Zaritsky & Harris (ZH) map to get A_V extinction in the LMC. INPUT: ra -- decimal degrees of right ascension dec -- decimal degrees of declination OPTIONAL INPUT: method='griddata' /'nearest' -- interpolation method map='both' /'hot'/'cool' -- Which ZH map to use hot='lmc_hotav.fits' -- filename of hot map cool='lmc_coolav.fits' -- filename of cool map null=0.0 -- "no data" value in map verbose=False / True -- print out some spam and eggs EXAMPLE: ra = hms('05:51:56.6') dec = dms('-66:25:08.5') lmcextinct(ra, dec) If their map returns null, interpolate from the surroundings. Note that these calculations are definitely _not_ optimized. SEE ALSO: hms, dms""" # 2009-02-15 22:11 IJC: Created and tested. try: from import fits as pyfits except: import pyfits from matplotlib.mlab import griddata from pylab import meshgrid, arange, array, sqrt, cos, sin, arctan2, arcsin ra = array([ra]).copy().ravel() dec = array([dec]).copy().ravel() defaults = dict(method='griddata', map='hot', hot='lmc_hotav_clean2.fits', cool='lmc_coolav.fits', null=0.0, verbose=False) for key in defaults: if (not kw.has_key(key)): kw[key] = defaults[key] if kw['map']=='both': kw['map'] = 'hot' ret1 = lmcextinct(ra, dec, **kw) kw['map'] = 'cool' ret2 = lmcextinct(ra, dec, **kw) return (ret1, ret2) else: map = kw[kw['map']] verbose = kw['verbose'] avmap = pyfits.getdata(map) avhdr = pyfits.getheader(map) nx = avhdr['naxis1'] ny = avhdr['naxis2'] cx = avhdr['crpix1'] cy = avhdr['crpix2'] x0 = avhdr['crval1'] y0 = avhdr['crval2'] dx = avhdr['cd1_1'] dy = avhdr['cd2_2'] xx,yy = meshgrid(arange(nx),arange(ny)) goodind = (avmap<>kw['null']) # I don't know how the following WCS calculation works, but it # does -- thank you, Calabretta & Greisen 2002! d2r = pi/180. phi = arctan2( xx-cx+1, yy-cy+1) + pi theta = arctan2(1./(d2r*dy), sqrt((yy-cy)**2 + (xx-cx)**2)) mapdec = arcsin(sin(theta)*sin(y0*d2r) - cos(theta)*cos(phi)*cos(y0*d2r))/d2r mapra = arcsin(cos(theta) * sin(phi) / cos(mapdec*d2r))/d2r + x0 if kw['method']=='griddata': ragood = mapra[goodind] decgood = mapdec[goodind] avgood = avmap[goodind] if verbose>0: print 'ra.shape>>' + str(ra.shape) # TBD: Vectorize this calculation; an interpolative solution # should exist. avlist = [] for ii in range(len(ra)): if verbose>0: print 'ra, dec>>' + str((ra[ii], dec[ii])) if kw['method']=='nearest': distmap = (mapra-ra[ii])**2 + (mapdec-dec[ii])**2 # If multiple values are equally near, average them: val = avmap[distmap==distmap.min()].mean() avlist.append(val) elif kw['method']=='griddata': avlist.append(griddata(ragood, decgood, avgood, array([ra[ii]]), array([dec[ii]]))) else: print "Invalid method specified!" avlist.append(-1) return avlist
[docs]def readogle(filename, **kw): """ Read in an OGLE-II photometry map file and output the data. Returns a 6-tuple with each element an array: 0 -- RA. Strings of Right Ascension values. 1 -- DEC. Strings of Declination values 2 -- x_ref. OGLE x-coordinate, pixels 3 -- y_ref. OGLE y-coordinate, pixels 4 -- v_mag. OGLE V magnitude 5 -- i_mag. OGLE I magnitude If you like, use HMS and DMS to convert the RA and DEC values returned.""" # 2008-12-21 18:53 IJC: Created f = open(filename, 'r') raw = f.readlines() f.close() nstars = len(raw) raw2 = array([line.split() for line in raw]) ra = raw2[:,1] dec = raw2[:,2] xref = raw2[:,3] yref = raw2[:,4] vmag = raw2[:,5] imag = raw2[:,7] xref = [map(float, [x]) for x in xref] yref = [map(float, [y]) for y in yref] vmag = [map(float, [v]) for v in vmag] imag = [map(float, [i]) for i in imag] return (ra, dec, xref, yref, vmag, imag)
[docs]def hms(d, delim=':'): """Convert hours, minutes, seconds to decimal degrees, and back. EXAMPLES: hms('15:15:32.8') hms([7, 49]) hms(18.235097) Also works for negative values. SEE ALSO: dms """ # 2008-12-22 00:40 IJC: Created # 2009-02-16 14:07 IJC: Works with spaced or colon-ed delimiters from numpy import sign if d.__class__==str or hasattr(d, '__iter__'): # must be HMS if d.__class__==str: d = d.split(delim) if len(d)==1: d = d[0].split(' ') if (len(d)==1) and (d.find('h')>-1): d.replace('h',delim) d.replace('m',delim) d.replace('s','') d = d.split(delim) s = sign(float(d[0])) if s==0: s=1 degval = float(d[0])*15.0 if len(d)>=2: degval = degval + s*float(d[1])/4.0 if len(d)==3: degval = degval + s*float(d[2])/240.0 return degval else: # must be decimal degrees hour = int(d/15.0) d = abs(d) min = int((d-hour*15.0)*4.0) sec = (d-hour*15.0-min/4.0)*240.0 return [hour, min, sec]
[docs]def dms(d, delim=':'): """Convert degrees, minutes, seconds to decimal degrees, and back. EXAMPLES: dms('150:15:32.8') dms([7, 49]) dms(18.235097) Also works for negative values. SEE ALSO: hms """ # 2008-12-22 00:40 IJC: Created # 2009-02-16 14:07 IJC: Works with spaced or colon-ed delimiters from numpy import sign if d.__class__==str or hasattr(d, '__iter__'): # must be HMS if d.__class__==str: d = d.split(delim) if len(d)==1: d = d[0].split(' ') s = sign(float(d[0])) if s==0: s=1 degval = float(d[0]) if len(d)>=2: degval = degval + s*float(d[1])/60.0 if len(d)==3: degval = degval + s*float(d[2])/3600.0 return degval else: # must be decimal degrees if d<0: sgn = -1 else: sgn = +1 d = abs(d) deg = int(d) min = int((d-deg)*60.0) sec = (d-deg-min/60.0)*3600.0 return [sgn*deg, min, sec]
[docs]def hess(color, mag, binsize, **kw): """Compute a hess diagram (surface-density CMD) on photometry data. INPUT: color mag binsize -- width of bins, in magnitudes OPTIONAL INPUT: cbin= -- set the centers of the color bins mbin= -- set the centers of the magnitude bins OUTPUT: A 3-tuple consisting of: Cbin -- the centers of the color bins Mbin -- the centers of the magnitude bins Hess -- The Hess diagram array""" # cbin = out[0] # mbin = out[1] # imshow(out[2]) # yticks(range(0, len(mbin), 4), mbin[range(0,len(mbin),4)]) # xticks(range(0, len(cbin), 4), cbin[range(0,len(cbin),4)]) # ylim([ylim()[1], ylim()[0]]) # 2009-02-08 23:01 IJC: Created, on a whim, for LMC data (of course) # 2009-02-21 15:45 IJC: Updated with cbin, mbin options from numpy import arange, zeros defaults = dict(mbin=None, cbin=None, verbose=False) for key in defaults: if (not kw.has_key(key)): kw[key] = defaults[key] if kw['mbin']==None: mbin = arange(mag.min(), mag.max(), binsize) else: mbin = array(kw['mbin']).copy() if kw['cbin']==None: cbin = arange(color.min(), color.max(), binsize) else: cbin = array(kw['cbin']).copy() hess = zeros((len(mbin), len(cbin)), float) for ii in range(len(cbin)): cindex = (color<(cbin[ii]+binsize/2)) * (color>(cbin[ii]-binsize/2)) for jj in range(len(mbin)): index = cindex * (mag<(mbin[jj]+binsize/2)) * (mag>(mbin[jj]-binsize/2)) hess[jj,ii] = index.sum() return (cbin, mbin, hess)
[docs]def snr(mag=20, itime=1., read=24.5, sky=8.43, npix=24., zero=26.44, dark=0.0): """Calculate SNR of a photometric CCD observation of given parameters. The default keyword parameters are for the CTIO Blanco MOSAIC imager, operating in V band. """ # 2009-02-20 14:40 IJC: Initiated star = itime * 10**(0.4*(zero-mag)) noise = npix * (itime*(sky+dark)+read**2) return star * (star+noise)**-0.5 #def sens(texp, mag, npix, tdead=15., rn=8., csky=12., zp=22.8, z=1.0,h=1280., d=1.0):
[docs]def sens(texp, mag, lin=3.8e5, tdead=15., rn=8., csky=12., zp=22.8, z=1.0,h=1280., d=1.0): """ Calculate sensitiviy for various exposure times. texp -- 1D array of times mag -- target magnitude npix -- number of pixels read out lin -- linearity limit of the detector (ADU) tdead -- detector dead time (reset + readout) between integrations rn -- read noise, in ADU csky -- sky background per second, in ADU zp -- photometric zero point (magnitude for 1 ADU/sec) z -- airmass h -- observatory altitude, in meters d -- telescope mirror diameter, in meters TBD: Flat-field noise! For now, I impose an artificial floor to the number of pixels needed -- it won't spread it out over less than 8. """ # 2009-03-13 11:48 IJC: Written based on from numpy import exp, log10, sqrt, floor texp = array(texp).copy() ctarg = 10**(0.4*(zp-mag)) Ntarg = ctarg * texp npix = floor(Ntarg / (lin-csky)) # spread out the light pixind = npix<8 npix[pixind] = 8 Nsky = csky * texp * npix sScint = 0.004 * d**(-2./3.) * z**1.75 * exp(-h/8e3) * (2*texp)**-0.5 sTarg = -2.5*log10((Ntarg - sqrt(Ntarg)) / Ntarg) sSky = -2.5*log10((Ntarg - sqrt(Nsky)) / Ntarg) sRON = -2.5*log10((Ntarg - rn*sqrt(npix)) / Ntarg) sTotal = sqrt(sScint**2 + sSky**2 + sRON**2) snrpertime = sTotal * sqrt(texp+tdead) return sTotal, snrpertime, npix
[docs]def subreg(fn, center=None, dim=None, verbose=False): """Load a subsection of a list of 2D FITS files. INPUTS: fn -- (str) filename or (list) list of filenames to load center -- (2-tuple) (x0,y0) center of region to load. dim -- (2-tuple) (dx,dy) sizes of region to load. OUTPUT: region -- (array) (N x dx x dy)-sized stack of subregions NOTE: center can also be a list of tuples (1 per file), but dim cannot.""" # 2009-09-24 11:20 IJC: Created print "Function subreg is deprecated; please use subreg2 (which is much faster!)" try: from import fits as pyfits except: import pyfits from numpy import zeros, nan, concatenate, int, float, max, min if not hasattr(fn, '__iter__'): fn = [fn] if not hasattr(dim, '__iter__'): dim = [dim, dim] nfiles = len(fn) if (center is None) and (dim is None): try: temp = pyfits.getdata(fn[0], ignore_missing_end=True) except: temp = pyfits.getdata(fn[0]) dosubreg = False dim = list(temp.shape) center = dim[0]/2, dim[1]/2 if not hasattr(center[0], '__iter__'): center = [center]*nfiles stack = zeros((0, dim[0], dim[1]), float) dim = [dim]*nfiles if verbose>0: print "fn, center, dim",(fn,center,dim) iter = 0 for file, cen, sz in zip(fn, center, dim): if verbose>0: print "file, cen, sz", (file,cen,sz) try: temp = pyfits.getdata(file, ignore_missing_end=True) except: temp = pyfits.getdata(file) if verbose>0: print "file "+file+" shape is: "+str(temp.shape) if len(temp.shape)<>2: print "File %s did not return a 2D FITS file! Using nan." % file subreg = zeros((1,dx,dy))+nan else: temp = temp.reshape((1,)+temp.shape) xstartval = max([0,cen[0] - (sz[0]-1)/2.]).astype(int) xendval = min([temp.shape[1], 1+cen[0] + (sz[0]-1)/2.]).astype(int) ystartval = max([0,cen[1] - (sz[1]-1)/2.]).astype(int) yendval = min([temp.shape[2], 1+cen[1] + (sz[1]-1)/2.]).astype(int) if verbose>0: print "subregion limits: ", xstartval,xendval,ystartval,yendval subreg = temp[:,xstartval:xendval,ystartval:yendval] if file==fn[0] and stack.shape[1::]<>subreg.shape: stack = zeros((0,)+subreg.shape[1::],float) if verbose>0: print "stack.shape>>", stack.shape print "subreg.shape>>", subreg.shape stack=concatenate((stack,subreg),0) iter += 1 return stack
[docs]def subreg2(fn, center=None, dim=None, verbose=False): """Load a subsection of a list of 2D FITS files. INPUTS: fn -- str, list of str, or 2- or 3D Numpy array. i) filename to load, OR ii) list of filenames to load, OR iii) Numpy array of data, already loaded. center -- (2-tuple) (x0,y0) center of region to load. dim -- (2-tuple) (dx,dy) sizes of region to load. OUTPUT: region -- (array) (N x dx x dy)-sized stack of subregions. Note that this will always be 3D! NOTE: center can also be a list of tuples (1 per file), but dim cannot.""" # 2009-09-24 11:20 IJC: Created # 2011-12-15 15:53 IJMC: Updated to use memmap. MUCH faster! # 2012-06-16 06:57 IJMC: Now 'fn' can also be a Numpy array. try: from import fits as pyfits except: import pyfits from numpy import zeros, nan, concatenate, int, float, max, min if not hasattr(fn, '__iter__'): fn = [fn] elif isinstance(fn, np.ndarray): if fn.ndim==3: nfiles = fn.shape[0] elif fn.ndim==2: fn = fn.reshape((1,)+fn.shape) nfiles = len(fn) if dim is not None and (not hasattr(dim, '__iter__')): dim = [dim, dim] if center is not None and (not hasattr(center[0], '__iter__')): center = [center]*nfiles if (center is None) and (dim is None): try: temp = pyfits.getdata(fn[0], ignore_missing_end=True) except: temp = pyfits.getdata(fn[0]) dosubreg = False dim = list(temp.shape) center = dim[0]/2, dim[1]/2 stack = zeros((0, dim[0], dim[1]), float) dim = [dim]*nfiles #center = [center]*nfiles if verbose>0: print "fn, center, dim",(fn,center,dim) iter = 0 for file, cen, sz in zip(fn, center, dim): if verbose>0: print "file, cen, sz", (file,cen,sz) if isinstance(file, np.ndarray): f = file else: try: f =, ignore_missing_end=True, memmap=True)[0].data except: f =, memmap=True)[0].data #if verbose>0: print "file "+file+" shape is: "+str(temp.shape) #if len(temp.shape)<>2: # print "File %s did not return a 2D FITS file! Using nan." % file # subreg = zeros((1,dx,dy))+nan #else: if iter==0: if isinstance(f, np.ndarray): temp = f.reshape((1,) + f.shape) else: temp = f#.reshape([1]+dim[0]) temp = temp.reshape((1,) + temp.shape) xstartval = max([0,cen[0] - (sz[0]-1)/2.]).astype(int) xendval = min([temp.shape[1], 1+cen[0] + (sz[0]-1)/2.]).astype(int) ystartval = max([0,cen[1] - (sz[1]-1)/2.]).astype(int) yendval = min([temp.shape[2], 1+cen[1] + (sz[1]-1)/2.]).astype(int) if verbose>0: print "subregion limits: ", xstartval,xendval,ystartval,yendval subreg = temp[0,xstartval:xendval,ystartval:yendval] stack = zeros((nfiles,) + subreg.shape, float) else: this_dy = center[0][0] - center[iter][0] this_dx = center[0][1] - center[iter][1] try: subreg = f[xstartval+this_dx:xendval+this_dx, \ ystartval+this_dy:yendval+this_dy] except IndexError: print "Likely invalid center position for Frame %i (%s): %s." % \ (iter, file, str(center[iter])) print "Using offsets for Frame 0 (%s) instead." % str(center[0]) subreg = f[xstartval:xendval, ystartval:yendval] except: print "Some error occurred. Using offsets for Frame 0 (%s) instead." % \ str(center[0]) subreg = f[xstartval:xendval, ystartval:yendval] stack[iter] = subreg iter += 1 return stack
[docs]def aperphot(fn, timekey=None, pos=[0,0], dap=[2,4,6], mask=None, verbose=False, nanval=999, resamp=None, retfull=False, ignorenan=True): """Do aperture photometry on a specified file. :INPUTS: pos : 2-sequence center of apertures (as if indexing: fn[pos[0], pos[1]]) dap : 3-sequence Photometry aperture DIAMETERS: -- target aperture (within which to sum flux) -- inner sky aperture -- outer sky aperture resamp : int Factor by which to interpolate frame before measuring photometry (in essence, does partial-pixel aperture photometry) Aperture masking: If no mask is passed in, use the star's input position and aperture diameters to create binary pixel masks for stellar and background photometry. If a mask is passed in, stellar and background aperture masks are generated from where all input mask elements equal 1 and 2, respectively. retfull: Also return arrays of target mask, sky mask, and frame used. This option is a memory hog! :OUTPUTS: :class:`phot` object. :EXAMPLE: :: import from astropy import wcs import numpy as np from phot import aperphot img='62_z_CDFs_goods_stamp_img.fits' #path to the image RA = 52.9898239 DEC = -27.7143114 hdulist = w = wcs.WCS(hdulist['PRIMARY'].header) world = np.array([[RA, DEC]]) pix = w.wcs_world2pix(world,1) # Pixel coordinates of (RA, DEC) print "Pixel Coordinates: ", pix[0,0], pix[0,1] #call aperture function observation=aperphot(img, timekey=None, pos=[pix[0,0], pix[0,1]], dap=[4,8,12], resamp=2, retfull=False) # Print outputs print "Aperture flux:", observation.phot print "Background: ", :REQUIREMENTS: scipy.interpolate, pyfits, numpy... """ # 2009-09-14 10:49 IJC: Created # 2010-01-15 14:20 IJC: Added numpy "_string" check # 2011-12-29 12:01 IJMC: Added peak pixel values to photometry report. # 2012-01-25 11:26 IJMC: Adding "resamp" option -- thanks to # K. Stevenson and J. Harrington of UCF for # the suggestion. # 2012-02-26 11:53 IJMC: Now return 'ntarg' and 'nsky' -- number of pixels used. # 2012-06-07 08:27 IJMC: 'peak' values are now corrected for the # resampling factor. # 2012-07-03 10:35 IJMC: Fixed a key bug: frames were not # correctly background-subtracted when # applying partial-pixel resampling. # 2012-10-19 13:41 IJMC: Documented 'retfull' option; changed default. # 2013-03-20 09:21 IJMC: More error-checking for saving header # keywords. Thanks to A. Weigel @ # ETH-Zurich for catching this! # 2014-05-07 16:05: added "ephot" by J. Xavier Prochaska, UCSC # 2014-08-28 09:32 IJMC: Added better checking for user-input # masks and resamp>1. Corrected x/y # indexing for non-square inputs arrays. # 2014-09-06 14:41 IJMC: Added better checking for dap & pos. # 2014-09-08 10:10 IJMC: Fix masking & nan-handling. from numpy import meshgrid, median,isfinite,sort,ndarray,string_ import numpy as np try: from import fits as pyfits except: import pyfits from analysis import fixval from os import path from scipy import interpolate thisobs = phot() if pos is None: pos = 0, 0 if dap is None: dap = 1, 2, 3 x0, y0 = pos dap_targ, dap_skyinner, dap_skyouter = dap if resamp is None or resamp<1: resamp = 1 else: resamp = float(resamp) # Determine size: if isinstance(fn,str): nx = pyfits.getval(fn, 'NAXIS2') ny = pyfits.getval(fn, 'NAXIS1') elif isinstance(fn,ndarray): nx,ny = fn.shape nx0, ny0 = nx, ny nx = ((nx - 1)*resamp + 1.) # Avoid resampling at pixel locations ny = ((ny - 1)*resamp + 1.) # outside the original boundaries. # Generate or load masks: if mask==None: xx,yy = meshgrid(np.arange(ny)/resamp, np.arange(nx)/resamp) mask_targ = makemask(xx, yy, (y0, x0, dap_targ)) mask_s1 = makemask(xx, yy, (y0,x0, dap_skyinner)) mask_s2 = makemask(xx, yy, (y0,x0, dap_skyouter)) mask_sky = mask_s2 - mask_s1 userInputMask = False #pdb.set_trace() else: mask_targ = mask==1 mask_sky = mask==2 userInputMask = True # Load data frame: thisobs = phot() if pos is None: pos = 0, 0 if dap is None: dap = 1, 2, 3 if isinstance(fn,ndarray): frame = fn elif isinstance(fn, str) or isinstance(fn,string_): if not path.isfile(fn): print "file %s not found! exiting..." % fn return thisobs frame = pyfits.getdata(fn) fixval(frame, nanval) # Resample data frame badval = -12345.6789 if resamp>1: frame0 = frame.copy() mask_good0 = np.isfinite(frame0) frame0[True-mask_good0] = badval xx0 = range(nx0) yy0 = range(ny0) x1,y1 = np.arange(nx)/resamp, np.arange(ny)/resamp rectspline = interpolate.fitpack2.RectBivariateSpline(xx0, yy0, frame0, kx=1, ky=1, s=0) frame = rectspline(x1, y1) if userInputMask and \ ((frame.shape<>mask_targ.shape) or (frame.shape<>mask_sky.shape)): print "User-entered mask did not have the correct size for the resampling" print " input used (resamp=%1.3f). Beware!" % resamp stop if ignorenan: mask_good = np.isfinite(frame) mask_targ = mask_targ * mask_good mask_sky = mask_sky * mask_good #from pylab import * #pdb.set_trace() # Measure background and aperture photometry thisbg, thisebg = estbg(frame, mask=mask_sky, plotalot=verbose, rout=[3,99], verbose=verbose) if not np.isfinite(thisbg): thisbg = 0. thisphot = ((frame - thisbg)[mask_targ]).sum() /resamp/resamp peak = frame.max() peak_targ = frame[mask_targ].max() peak_annulus = frame[mask_sky].max() thisobs.ebg=thisebg thisobs.bgstr='phot.estbg: SDOM on bg histogram mean & dispersion after outlier rejection' thisobs.phot=thisphot thisobs.photstr='by-hand background-subtracted aperture photometry' thisobs.ntarg = mask_targ.sum()/resamp/resamp thisobs.nsky = mask_sky.sum()/resamp/resamp thisobs.peak = peak thisobs.peak_targ = peak_targ thisobs.peak_annulus = peak_annulus thisobs.peakstr = 'peak pixel value in frame' thisobs.peak_targstr = 'peak pixel value in target aperture' thisobs.peak_annulusstr = 'peak pixel value in sky annulus' thisobs.position = pos thisobs.positionstr = 'user-specified, zero-indexed pixel coordinates.' if isinstance(fn, str): header = pyfits.getheader(fn) if not timekey==None: if timekey in header: thisobs.time=header['timekey'] thisobs.timestr='heliocentric modified julian date' if 'object' in header: thisobs.object = header['object'] if 'exptime' in header: thisobs.exptime = header['exptime'] thisobs.aper = dap thisobs.aperstr = 'target, inner, outer aperture diameters, in pixels.' thisobs.filename=fn thisobs.resamp = resamp # Simple stats :: JXP 2014 May 6 var = thisphot + np.sqrt(thisobs.nsky)* thisobs.ephot = np.sqrt(var) if retfull: thisobs.mask_targ = mask_targ thisobs.mask_sky = mask_sky thisobs.frame = frame if verbose>0: from pylab import figure, colorbar from nsdata import imshow figure(); imshow(frame*mask_targ); colorbar() figure(); imshow(frame*mask_sky); colorbar() return thisobs
[docs]def psffiterr(xyoffset, psf, frame, w=None, scale=100, dframe=9, loc=None, verbose=False): """:USAGE: :: fit = optimize.fmin(psffiterr, [0,0], args=(psf, frame,weights,100,13, loc),xtol=0.5,ftol=1, full_output=True) modelout = psffit(psf, frame, loc, weights, scale=100, dframe=13, xoffs=[fit[0][0]], yoffs=[fit[0][1]]) """ # 2009-11-13 11:27 IJC: Created # 2014-09-04 08:32 IJMC: Changed 'round' to 'np.round' out = psffit(psf, frame, loc=loc, w=w, scale=scale, dframe=dframe, \ xoffs=[(xyoffset[0])], yoffs=[(xyoffset[1])], verbose=verbose) sumsqres = out[2][0,0] #pdb.set_trace() return sumsqres
[docs]def psffit(psf, frame, loc=None, w=None, scale=100, dframe=9, xoffs=None, yoffs=None, verbose=False): """ Conduct simple PRF model-fitting at a specified grid of positions :INPUTS: psf -- model PSF (or PRF), supersampled by factor 'scale' frame -- science frame to which psf will be fit. best if it's odd-sized :OPTIONS: loc -- (x,y) integers, star location in data frame (e.g., data[x,y]) w -- [array] weights of pixels in data frame, (typ. 1/sigma^2) scale -- supersampling level of PSF dframe -- [odd int] diameter of square box around target location. Errors may occur if this size is larger than your binned-down PRF model. xoffs -- [int array] subpixel x offsets to test. yoffs -- [int array] subpixel y offsets to test. :RETURNS: modelpsf, data, chisq, background, fluxscale, xoffset, yoffset, chisq[ii,jj],background[ii,jj], fluxscale[ii,jj] :EXAMPLE: :: import k2 import phot import pylab as py fn = 'kplr060018142-2014044044430_lpd-targ.fits' f ='kplr060018142-2014044044430_lpd-targ.fits') image = f[1].data['flux'][0] prf = k2.loadPRF(fn) out = phot.psffit(prf, image, (33, 23), scale=50, dframe=7, verbose=True) py.figure() py.subplot(132) py.imshow(out[0]) py.title('Best-fit Model PRF') py.colorbar() py.subplot(131) py.imshow(out[1]) py.title('Observed Data') py.clim([out[0].min(), out[0].max()]) py.colorbar() py.subplot(133) py.imshow(out[1] - out[0]) py.title('Data - Model') py.colorbar() """ # 2009-10-07 14:18 IJC: Created. # 2011-05-11 22:16 IJC: Added a try/except/pdb debugging step # 2014-09-04 08:32 IJMC: Moderate overhaul! Updated # documentation, changed numpy function # calls to 'np.X', replaced np.nonzero() # call with simple centroid. #from numpy import arange, prod, zeros,vstack,dot, nonzero, diag,floor,abs,max,hstack #from numpy.linalg import pinv import analysis as an from time import time import pdb tic = time() if w==None: w = np.zeros(frame.shape)+1 if loc==None: loc = ((frame.shape[1]-1)/2,(frame.shape[0]-1)/2) if xoffs==None: xoffs = np.arange(scale) #arange(scale) if yoffs==None: yoffs = np.arange(scale) #arange(scale) ycen = int(loc[0]) xcen = int(loc[1]) # Pick a thumbnail frame size to use, and cut it out of the larger frame if verbose>0: print "frame.shape>>", frame.shape print "(xcen, ycen, dframe)>>", xcen,ycen,dframe print "limits>>" , (ycen-(dframe-1)/2.), (ycen+(dframe+1)/2.), (xcen-(dframe-1)/2.), (xcen+(dframe+1)/2.) print "xoffs, yoffs>>", xoffs, yoffs data = frame[(ycen-(dframe-1)/2.):(ycen+(dframe+1)/2.), (xcen-(dframe-1)/2.):(xcen+(dframe+1)/2.)] weights = w[(ycen-(dframe-1)/2.):(ycen+(dframe+1)/2.), (xcen-(dframe-1)/2.):(xcen+(dframe+1)/2.)] wmat = np.diag(weights.ravel()) extrasize = 2*max(np.abs(np.floor(1.0*np.hstack((xoffs,yoffs))/scale))) exs = 2*scale*dframe #extrasize*scale/2 if verbose>0: print "extrasize>> ",extrasize # Determine how much of the PSF to cut out, and cut it out. If it # is too small, then zero-pad it. dpsf0 = (dframe+1)*scale-1 dpsf1 = dframe*scale-1 psfModelTooSmall = True while psfModelTooSmall: psf_x, psf_y = np.arange(psf.shape[0]), np.arange(psf.shape[1]) pycen = (psf_x*psf.sum(1)).sum()/psf.sum() pxcen = (psf_y*psf.sum(0)).sum()/psf.sum() #pycen, pxcen = (psf==psf.max()).nonzero() # Slower!! pxmin = int(pxcen-(dpsf0-1)/2-exs) pxmax = int(pxcen+(dpsf0+1)/2+exs) pymin = int(pycen-(dpsf0-1)/2-exs) pymax = int(pycen+(dpsf0+1)/2+exs) if verbose>0: print "shape & indices>>", psf.shape, pymin, pymax, pxmin, pxmax if pxmin<0 or pymin<0 or pxmax>=psf.shape[1] or pymax>=psf.shape[0]: psfModelTooSmall = True psf = an.pad(psf, 2*psf.shape[0], 2*psf.shape[1]) else: psfModelTooSmall = False smpsf = psf[pymin:pymax, pxmin:pxmax] if verbose>0: print "data.shape>>" , data.shape ndata = data.size if verbose>0: print "ndata>> %i" % ndata const = np.zeros(ndata,float)+1 background = np.zeros((len(xoffs),len(yoffs)), float) fluxscale = np.zeros((len(xoffs),len(yoffs)), float) chisq = np.zeros((len(xoffs),len(yoffs)), float) if verbose>0: print "wmat.shape>>", wmat.shape print "data.ravel().shape>>", data.ravel().shape dfs = dframe * scale initoffset_min = scale - 1 + exs initoffset_max = scale - 1 + exs + dfs nx = len(xoffs) ny = len(yoffs) rangeny = range(ny) for ii in range(nx): xoffset = xoffs[ii] xmin, xmax = int(initoffset_min-xoffset), int(initoffset_max-xoffset) for jj in rangeny: # Cut out the correct portion of the model PSF yoffset = yoffs[jj] ymin, ymax = int(initoffset_min-yoffset), int(initoffset_max-yoffset) # Bin down the PSF by the correct factor. Sizes should now match! #pdb.set_trace() #binpsf = an.binarray(smpsf[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax],scale) binpsfs = [an.binarray(smpsf[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax],scale), \ an.binarray(smpsf[ymin+1:ymax+1, xmin:xmax],scale), \ an.binarray(smpsf[ymin:ymax, xmin+1:xmax+1],scale), \ an.binarray(smpsf[ymin+1:ymax+1, xmin+1:xmax+1],scale)] xfrac, yfrac = xoffset - int(xoffset), yoffset - int(yoffset) binpsf_weights = [(1. - xfrac)*(1.-yfrac), yfrac*(1.-xfrac), (1.-yfrac)*xfrac, xfrac*yfrac] binpsf = np.array([bp*bpw for bp, bpw in zip(binpsfs, binpsf_weights)]).sum(0) / np.sum(binpsf_weights) #pdb.set_trace() # Compute the best-fit background & PSF scaling factor if verbose>0: print "xmat shapes>> ",const.shape, binpsf.ravel().shape print "ymin,ymax,xmin,xmax>> ",ymin,ymax, xmin,xmax print "binpsf.shape>> ",binpsf.shape try: xmat = np.vstack((const,binpsf.ravel())).transpose() fitvec, efitvec = an.lsq(xmat, data.ravel(), w=weights.ravel()) background[ii,jj], fluxscale[ii,jj] = fitvec if c_chisq: chisq[ii,jj] = _chi2.chi2(, fitvec), data.ravel(), weights.ravel()) else: chisq[ii,jj] = (weights.ravel() * (, fitvec) - data.ravel())**2).sum() except: print "error occurred" chisq[ii,jj] = 9e99 pdb.set_trace() ii,jj = (chisq==chisq.min()).nonzero() if len(ii)>1: # more than one chisquared minimum found! ii = ii[0] jj = jj[0] xoffset = xoffs[ii] xmin, xmax = int(scale-xoffset-1+exs), int(scale-xoffset-1 + dfs+exs) yoffset = yoffs[jj] ymin, ymax = int(scale-yoffset-1+exs), int(scale-yoffset-1 + dfs+exs) # Bin down the PSF by the correct factor. Sizes should now match! binpsf = an.binarray(smpsf[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax],scale) modelpsf = background[ii,jj] + fluxscale[ii,jj]*binpsf #print "%f seconds for completion!" % (time()-tic) return modelpsf, data, chisq, background, fluxscale, xoffset, yoffset, chisq[ii,jj],background[ii,jj], fluxscale[ii,jj]
[docs]def gauss2d(param, x, y): """ Compute a gaussian distribution at the points x, y. p is a three- or four-component array, list, or tuple: z = [p4 +] p0/(p1*sqrt(4pi)) * exp(-r**2 / (2*p1**2)) where r = sqrt((x-p2)**2 + (y-p3)**2) p[0] -- Volume under the gaussian p[1] -- one-sigma dispersion p[2] -- X- offset of center p[3] -- Y- offset of center p[4] -- optional constant, vertical offset x & y must be equal-sized arrays from numpy.meshgrid NOTE: FWHM = 2*sqrt(2*ln(2)) * p1 ~ 2.3548*p1 SEE ALSO: egauss2d, numpy.meshgrid""" #2010-01-11 22:46 IJC: Created from numpy import array, abs, concatenate, exp x = array(x, dtype=float).copy() y = array(y, dtype=float).copy() p = array(param).copy() r = abs((x-p[2]) + 1j*(y-p[3])) if len(p)==4: p = concatenate((p, [0])) z = p[4] + p[0]/(p[1]*4*pi) * exp(-r**2 / (2*p[1]**2)) return z
[docs]def egauss2d(param, x, y, z, ez=None): """ Return the chi-squared error on a 2D gaussian fit. See gauss2d for more details on the input parameters. z is the array of data to be fit ez is an optional array of one-sigma errors to the data in z. """ # 2010-01-11 22:59 IJC: Created from numpy import array, float, ones x = array(x, dtype=float).copy() y = array(y, dtype=float).copy() z = array(z, dtype=float).copy() p = array(param).copy() if ez==None: ez = ones(z.shape,float) else: ez = array(ez, dtype=float).copy() model = gauss2d(param,x,y) chisq = (((z-model)/ez)**2).sum() return chisq