Student Survey

Two questions a teacher must ask are "what do my students know?" and "what do my students need to learn?" Please help answer these questions by filling out this form.
  1. Do you intend to teach middle or high school in the future?

    3 high school, 2 middle school, one undecided (and others might change their minds.)

  2. Approximately how many hours of classroom teaching have you observed?

    At least 40, most often 60

  3. Approximately how many hours (or years) of classroom teaching experience do you have?

    3 have none, 3 have substitute taught

  4. Which areas of mathematics do you feel confident in teaching? (numbers and operations, algebra, geometry, statistics, problem solving, proof, communication, connections, representation)

    Algebra and Numbers and Operations.

  5. Are there areas or topics you are not confident in teaching?
    (problem solving, proof, communication, connections, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, etc.)

    Proof, Geometry

  6. Which principles of mathematics education are you most familiar with?
    (equity, curriculum, teaching, learning, assessment, technology)

    Curriculum, Assessment.

  7. Which principles of mathematics education would you like to learn more about?
    (equity, curriculum, teaching, learning, assessment, technology)

    Technology, Equity

  8. What knowledge and experience do you hope to gain from this class? If there are any topics or activities that you think would make the course less valuable to you please list them and give your reasons. Use the back of the page if you need more room.

    "Fun and interactive activities", "better preparation", "the basics", "multiple methods to teach particular math topics".