HSED422/MSED456: Lottery Numbers

Names of people you worked with:
Objectives: Work in groups of two to answer the questions below using the web site http://www.masslottery.com. Each group member should contribute equally to the analysis.
  1. From all of Massachusetts' lotteries, approximately what percentage of money paid for lottery tickets is awarded in prizes?


  2. If Bridgewater residents buy $100,000 worth of lottery tickets in a year, approximately how much prize money do they win that year?


  3. If you spend $100 on lottery tickets in a year, about how much money do you think you'll win over the course of the year?


  1. Approximately what percentage of the money paid for lottery tickets is returned to city and town governments to be used for local aid?


  2. What percentage of the money spent on lottery tickets is not paid to winners or spent on local aid? (These are called "operating expenses".)


  3. If the lottery raises $1,000,000,000 to be spent on local aid in the year 2006, how much money do you think the state will have spent on lottery operating expenses for 2006?


Part 2