eBison generates Elisp parser functions from Bison input files. It parses the Bison output at byte-compilation time. The resulting .elc files don't depend on the Bison data file any more.

This was intended to be the first phase of adding Javascript support to Emacs-W3. It includes a reasonable javascript grammer which parses any javascript1.1 code I throw at it. It even generates plausible looking elisp. But I haven't tried running any of it.

This release is identical to the Feb 20 1998 copy from the emacs-w3 mailing list. It's being released to a wider audience in the hopes that someone is interested in the remaining the next step, implementing the JavaScript object model. As a generic parser generator it could be useful for other purposes as well.

Someone implementing the Javascript object semantics should probably read the ECMA specification. It's available from www.ecma.ch as ecma-262. I have a mirrored copy.