Stampsmith Domino Mingle

What I Got from Christine

Domino Book Domino Birthday Card
Christine made me a little olive green Shakespeare themed domino book (whit dominos for covers.) It came in a little box with green paper, with a card and in another green box. This didn't scan too well, but it really is quite lovely. (And green is my favorite color.) I'm such a dope though, I didn't look at the inside to discover it was a birthday card until I went to scan it.
Inside the Domino Book...

What I Sent to Sandy

I didn't remember to take a picture of my creation before I pacakged it up, but Sandy took a picture when she got it. I called it "The Keys to the Kingdom." It has a castle from one of the Stampsmith Medieval sheets and one of her Medieval tiles on the box. The box has been painted with blue & green lumieres before stamping. Here it is:
