Dreams I've Had

I've often had some really wacky dreams, so what better to do with them than post them on the web?
Feel free to send me any interpretations you may come up with. If I get some good ones, I might start posting them.

July 21st: For a while this morning, I thought I had completely forgotten this dream, as I'd forgotten all my dreams the past couple nights, but it just came back to me. The first thing I remember is that I was on my hall, except it didn't look exactly like the hall, but that's just a detail. I was at the other end of the hall from my room, and I saw two people I know who are at home for the summer go into my room. One of them had brought his brother. The other, who's the same girl who was in the G&S dream, left. We were sort of sitting in front of a TV, but not really watching anything. The room seemed to get bigger, and pretty soon was more or less outside. There was some sort of performance, a concert, I think, going on in an auditorium next to us. I went towards the backstage and saw lots of basses, but I wasn't playing. The basses were all much bigger than any basses I've played before, and much too big for me to even think about carrying. My bass was barely bigger than the cello there.

July 17th: I'm not sure if what I remember from last night was a single dream or not. The earliest part I remember involved being inside the top of a tall, hollow building, sort of like the inside of the statue of liberty, except rectangular. I was on a little balcony at the top and had to slide down a ladder to get to the bottom. There were people at the bottom but I don't remember who.
The next part involved me and my parents in a cabin on a cruise ship, and I think it was sinking, but we weren't doing anything about it. Then, it was a year later, and we were all alive, but I'd gotten split up from my parents, and just found them again. I had no memory of where I'd been in the past year, and all I had leftover was my blue blankie. Somehow, though, I was inolved in a deal with some rich couple adopting a baby, and they were giving me some weird, fake-wood furniture. So I presume the baby was related to my blanked-out year, and the furniture was in exchange. By this time the scene had turned into a hotel swimming pool, but I don't remember anything else.

July 16th: I don't remember exactly what I was doing, but I've had many dreams like it where I'm in some large building complex, such as a mall or a school, and I'm trying to get out. It was very mall-like last night, I think. When I was out of the building, it was a little like the area around Logan airport, in fact, I was trying to get on a plane to get out of wherever I was. There was a woman and a boy, and I was that guy from Quantum Leap. It also seemed to be in Italy or Switzerland. Unfortunately, I lost any coherance this dream may have had when I woke up.

Earlier this summer: The other day, July 14th or so, I had a dream that I don't remember much of, but it involved my brass rat breaking into 4 pieces. It was kinda hollow inside, and I could sort of put it back together. I don't remember what else was going on.
Sometime in late June, I had a dream where I was back in Ohio, driving down the street, and a weird-looking girl on a motercycle turned out to be a friend of mine who graduated a year after me. She had really weird hair, hair-sprayed so it was several feet tall and wide. Then I was back at my old high school.  I went into the auditorium, or maybe it was the gymnasium, and they were putting on Patience, a Guilbert and Sullivan musical I played for when I was at MIT, and the people in it were almost all from MIT, as far as I could tell.  A friend of mine who lives on my hall was in the lead role, except I think she was the Pirate King, which means I was mixing up G&S works, which I really don't think is that hard to do.

Write me!

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July 16, 1998