
What is it?

xznola provides a hierarchical listing of users visible on MIT's Zephyr system. It also provides a rudimentary text-based listing of the same, and a library to simplify coding of other programs with similar functionality.

Okay; what does that mean?

First off: if you're not an MIT or CMU person, you probably haven't heard of Zephyr. It's an instant-messaging system, somewhat along the lines of IRC or AOL Instant Messanger but older and used almost exclusively in academia. If you don't use Zephyr, xznola is probably useless to you.

xznola offers functionality along the lines of the standard znol client or the popular xzul: it displays, in an X window, a listing of people online based on the contents of your .anyone file. However, it lets you arrange these users in a tree fashion, so you can look at only a subset of the currently visible users.

What does it need?

xznola needs an installed copy of the Zephyr development libraries. The current version assumes that Kerberos authentication is available; it has not been tested in an environment without Kerberos. Additionally, xznola depends on the GIMP ToolKit, which is installed on most Linux machines these days. The gznola program uses GNOME for a front-end.

Where can I get/run it?

The source to xznola is available here; the latest version is 0.8.1. On Athena, xznola is installed in the dmaze locker; type add dmaze; gznola & to run gznola.

xznola actually contains three binaries. znola gives a tty-based listing, along the lines of znol. xznola has a graphical listing. gznola does as well, but runs in a GNOME window rather than a Gtk one. (It looks a little nicer.)

What still needs to be done? Can I help?

The to-do list for xznola includes:

xznola is kind of a personal project; I'm not going to be too receptive to offers of help, assistance, or code maintenance. I'll try to listen to bug reports as they come in; patches to fix real bugs are welcome.