






David Polishook – Conferences


·       DPS 2013: 45nd meeting of the AAS's Division of Planetary Sciences. Denver, USA. Contributions: Talk.


·       Binaries 2013: 2nd Workshop on Binaries in the Solar System. Big Island, Hawaii, USA. Contributions: Talk.

·       PDC 2013: Planetary Defense Conference, Flagstaff, AZ, USA. Contributions: Invited Talk.

·       ACM 2012: Asteroids, Comets, Meteors. Niigata, Japan. Contribution: Talk, Posters.

·       Marco-Polo-R Workshop 2012: Physical Characterization of Marco-Polo-R Targets. Paris, France. Contributions: Talk.

·       EPSC-DPS 2011: Joint meeting of the AAS's Division of Planetary Sciences and the European Planetary Science Congress. Nantes, France. Contributions: Talk.

·       DPS 2010: 42nd meeting of the AAS's Division of Planetary Sciences. Pasadena, USA. Contributions: Poster.

·       Binaries 2010: 2nd Workshop on Binaries in the Solar System. Poznan, Poland._ Contributions: Talk.

·       IPS 2009: 55rd annual meeting of the Israeli Physical Society. Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Contributions: Talk.

·       IPS 2008: 54rd annual meeting of the Israeli Physical Society. Ben-Gurion University, Israel. Contributions: Talk.

·       ACM 2008: Asteroids, Comets, Meteors. Baltimore, USA. Contributions: Talk & Poster.

·       AsCoS 2008: The Israeli Astrophysics & Cosmology Student Conference Series. Weizmann institute, Israel. Contributions: Talk.

·       MEARIM 2008: 1st regional meeting of the IAU in the Middle East & Africa. Cairo, Egypt. Contributions: Poster & Talk.

·       IPS 2007: 53rd annual meeting of the Israeli Physical Society. Weizmann institute, Israel. Contributions: Talk.

·       ACM 2005: Asteroids, Comets, Meteors. Buzios, Brazil. Contributions: Poster & Poster.

·       On Science and Imagination _ In honor of the work of Jules Verne marking the 100th anniversary of his death. Sde-Boker, Israel. Contributions: Talk.
