Hippocrates's stateroom is relatively bare. There's a bed, but it appears that Indiana is its primary user. There are some chewable objects on the floor; they mostly appear be simple shapes made in fabrication. They have been chewed upon.

Indiana perks up and bounces over to you. He's very glad to see you! You're great! Have you ever considered that all people might be better off under your benevolent rulership?

There are a few books on the shelves, mostly history and legal volumes (but also including each year's printing of "Jane's All The Linked Worlds' Ships" from 2778 to the present year). There is some stationery on the desk, with Skyguard/Hippocrates letterhead. There are a few tech bits around in drawers, but just not much stuff.

In the closet, there are a bunch of unremarkable items, plus a small core of outfits for several types of occasions ranging from informal to moderately formal, and some good-looking out-and-about wear. There is a blood-lizard jacket and several permutations of uniform, ranging from ship's greys to the elaborate Skyguard dress uniform.

On the wall above the desk, there are a few pictures: