Past Comets

700 years ago
Fall of the Avani Empire. The Breaker is an advisor to the Avani Emperor. A rebellion begins. A band of heroes, led by Tureen, is instrumental as the core of the rebellion. Two such heros are the Cat, a master thief, and Leni, a witch. Not normally included as part of Tureen's Band (the ones who finally slew the Breaker) is Kyrell, who fell at Tyrek's Fall, defending Tureen's escape against the Breaker's forces. The Lion's Key was held by one of the Breaker's servants at Tyrek's Fall, but it was lost in the battle (and later recovered to become the seal for the Breslin family. Also instrumental in the war was an Avani general who switched sides at the last minute from supporting the Emperor (and the Breaker) to supporting Tureen.
?? years ago
Founding of the Avani Empire. A band of heroes throws the head of the lich Vecna into Mount Furious. Kor and Kern become one country.
?? years ago
A princess of Kor marries a prince of Kern rather than the guy who is actually the Breaker in disguise. This brings Kor and Kern into alliance (though they are not yet one country).
?? years ago
Centaurs and Cataurs are wiped out