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I am a PhD student at the Center for Theoretical Physics at MIT co-supervised by Isaac Chuang and Aram Harrow. Previously, I was an undergraduate at Caltech. I'm currently interested in quantum algorithms, query and communication complexity, and theory of deep learning.


See my CV for a full list of publications. (* indicates equal contribution)


  • Hertz Fellow
  • DoD NDSEG Fellow
  • Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship
  • Richard Feynman Prize in Theoretical Physics (Caltech)


  • Machine learning forecasts of COVID-19 (article).
  • Causal AI policymaker for malaria prevention at the Citadel Data Open (article).
  • Fake quantum computing papers on the qarXiv, featured on and inspired by the snarXiv. (Made before ChatGPT.)
  • Concept Wordle: my version of Wordle and inspired by Semantle.