function nii = frames2nii(path, in_name, nFrames, outfile) % FRAMES2NII write a nifti file from frames % FRAMES2NII(path, in_name, nFrames) writes a nifti file from nFrames % individual pictures (frames) given by filenames in_name in filepath % path. in_name should be a format string with a single '%i' parameter % for frame numbering (e.g.: in_name = 'file %i.jpg'). nFrames is the % number of frames (starting with 1). % % FRAMES2NII(path, in_name, nFrames, outfile) also write the nifti to % outfile. outfile should have '.nii' extension, and the final output % file have an additional .gz extension % % Requires: % Matlab NIFTI toolbox (here tested with 2010 version) % % Works with both color and grayscale images. For color images, nii % header intent_code is set to 1007 (thanks to Ramesh Sridharan for % finding this out). % % Example: % nii = frames2nii('files1', 'img (%i).jpg', 337, 'z.nii'); % % Author: Adrian V. Dalca, % Last Update: May, 2012. % get height and width from first frame img = imread([path, filesep, sprintf(in_name, 1)]); height = size(img, 1); width = size(img, 2); channels = size(img, 3); clear img; % build the nifti volume gimgs = zeros(height, width, nFrames, 1, channels, 'uint8'); for i = 1:nFrames gimgs(:,:, i, 1, :) = imread([path, filesep, sprintf(in_name, i)]); end % build the nifti file nii = make_nii(gimgs); if channels == 3 % need setting for color images nii.hdr.dime.intent_code = 1007; end % write the nifti to file if required if exist('outfile', 'var') % could use save_nii if want to avoid workign with gz files save_niigz(nii, outfile); end