I recommend her book Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Work in Her Own Words; but if nothing else, I recommend her "Steps Toward Inner Peace."
I saw that there were several online translations of her "Steps Toward Inner Peace" in various languages, but none in Japanese. I tried doing my own translation, but without a Japanese text editor and with my limited vocabulary, it was hard going. I realized there was a listing for a Japanese translation, so I sent off a letter to Japan and made inquiries.
Jun Hoshikawa was kind enough to answer (in email, thank goodness), and he went on to send me a copy of the magazine in which he and his wife Kayoko had printed the translation in 1992. (The magazine is the LIVEGreen Journal ("live" pronounced as in "live long and prosper"), a short-lived but beautiful magazine advocating peace and environmental awareness.) Jun Hoshikawa is an author and professional translator, with 65 titles published over 30 years, so the quality of the translation reflects his experience. He also kindly gave me permission to post the scanned pages here.
The tranquil pencil drawings are by Hisako Mori.
Thus, I am pleased to offer the Japanese translation of Peace Pilgrim's "Steps Toward Inner Peace." Since I do not have the facilities to manually enter it in Japanese, for now I am settling for scanned pages of the original LIVEGreen Journal pages.
Peace Pilgrim's works are under a free copyright system: she believed that spiritual truth is best given freely.
Note: This translation does not include the Summary, Preparations, or other steps.
Other language translations not available online are listed here.
www.PeacePilgrim.org also
has Peace Pilgrim's book Peace Pilgrim:
Her Life and Work in Her Own Words.
You may also get a free
copy by writing to the Friends of
Peace Pilgrim.