function [ sol_coef, time, best_eps, failure, Objective, Aineq, bineq ] = SQR_Decomposition_func( Xfull, Y, alpha) %Authors: %Dharmashankar Subramanian, last revised on 03/19/2014 %Pavithra Harsha, last revised on 03/19/2014 % This code is a method for CVaR regression. % More specifically, it provides superquantile estimates at alpha for the response % variable Y as a function of the covariates. Superquantile is well-known % as the conditional value-at-risk (CVaR). % This method in particular is the decomposition algorithm proposed in the % paper by "Pavithra Harsha, Ramesh Natarajan and Dharmashankar Subramanian: % A data-driven approach for the price-setting newsvendor problem" % submitted in May 2015 and can be found on the authors' webpages. % This MATLAB function uses CPLEX as the optimization solver. % Do you want to scale or normalize the parameters? This is important for % larger N and small alpha. This improves run times in those instances and % avoids CPLEX from throwing a scaling related exception. scaling = true; %first column of Xfull is all ones % Store in X all but the first column X = Xfull(:,2:size(Xfull,2)); % dimension of the problem % N = number of sample points % P = number of covariates N = size(X,1); P = size(X,2); N_Y = size(Y,1); M_Y = size(Y,2); if ( (N_Y ~= N) || (M_Y ~= 1) ) error ('Dimensional mismatch in your input Y and X'); end %beta: column vector Valpha = ceil(N*alpha); if(Valpha == N*alpha) beta = 1/N*(Valpha:1:N)'; else beta = [alpha; 1/N*(Valpha:1:N)'];%i = valpha -1, valpha, valpha +1,...,v-1,v end sb = size(beta,1); A = log(ones(sb-2,1) - beta(1:sb-2))- log(ones(sb-2,1) - beta(2:sb-1)); C = beta(2:sb-1) - beta(1:sb-2); num_UT = sb-2; num_W = 1; num_coef = P; terminateWHILE = false; initial_iter = 0; iterate = 0; coef_sol = zeros(P,1); U_sol = zeros(num_UT,1); T_sol = zeros(num_UT,1); W_sol = 0; coef_sol = zeros(P,1); obj_sol = 100000; epsilon = 0.000001; if (scaling) sigma_y = std(Y); mu_y = mean(Y); sigma_x = std(X); mu_x = mean(X); X = (X - repmat(mean(X), size(X,1),1)).*repmat(1./std(X), size(X,1),1); Y = (Y - repmat(mean(Y), size(Y,1),1)).*repmat(1./std(Y), size(Y,1),1); end W_set = randperm(N); initialized = false; tic %construct the objective % myObj = 1/(1-alpha)* C'*U + 1/(N*(1-alpha))* A'*T + W/(N*(1-alpha)) - 1/N* myUnity'*(Y - X*coef); f_col = [(1/(1-alpha))*C; (1/(N*(1-alpha)))*A; 1/(N*(1-alpha)); (1/N)*(sum(X))']; %construct Aineq sp_T_nonneg = [sparse(num_UT,num_UT) -1*speye(num_UT) sparse(num_UT, num_W + num_coef)]; sp_T_init = [sparse(1:num_UT, 1:num_UT, -1*N*ones(num_UT,1)) -1*speye(num_UT) sparse(num_UT,1) -1*ones(num_UT,1)*sum(X)]; Aeq = []; beq = []; % if(Valpha == N*alpha) % % end Aineq = [sp_T_nonneg; sp_T_init]; bineq = sparse(num_UT,1); bineq = [bineq; -1*ones(num_UT,1)*sum(Y)]; while (~initialized) initial_iter = initial_iter +1; delta_Aineq = [sparse(1,num_UT) sparse(1,num_UT) -1 -1*X(W_set(initial_iter),:)]; delta_bineq = -1*Y(W_set(initial_iter)); Aineq = [Aineq;delta_Aineq]; bineq = [bineq; delta_bineq]; try [mysol, fval, exitflag, output, lambda] = cplexlp(f_col',Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,[], []); if (exitflag ~= 1 || output.cplexstatus ~= 1) %warning(strcat('Not Initialized yet, after iter :', num2str(initial_iter))) else %warning(strcat('INITIALIZED SUCCESSFULLY, after iter :', num2str(initial_iter))) %prepare outputs U_sol = mysol(1:num_UT,1); T_sol = mysol(num_UT+1:2*num_UT,1); W_sol = mysol(2*num_UT+1,1); coef_sol = mysol(2*num_UT+2:2*num_UT+1+P,1); obj_sol = fval; initialized = true; clear mysol; clear lambda; end catch m disp(m.message); end if ((initial_iter == N) && (~initialized)) error('Should not reach here as all W constraints are added') end end %initial_iter obj_prev = obj_sol; bool_break = false; opt = cplexoptimset('cplex'); = 1; clear Xfull; best_eps = 0; failure = 1; iterate = 0; while (~terminateWHILE) iterate = iterate +1; %disp(strcat('IN DECOMP: ITERATE : ', num2str(iterate))) Bool_mat = sparse(( (Y-X*coef_sol)*ones(1,num_UT) - ones(N,1)*U_sol') > epsilon ); delta_Aineq = [sparse(1:num_UT, 1:num_UT, -1*sum(Bool_mat)) -1*speye(num_UT) sparse(num_UT,1) -1*sparse(Bool_mat')*X]; delta_bineq = -1*sparse(Bool_mat')*Y; Aineq = [Aineq;delta_Aineq]; bineq = [bineq; delta_bineq]; % [max_W, index_W] = max(Y-X*coef_sol); delta_Aineq = [sparse(1,num_UT) sparse(1,num_UT) -1 -1*X(index_W,:)]; delta_bineq = -1*Y(index_W); Aineq = [Aineq;delta_Aineq]; bineq = [bineq; delta_bineq]; try [mysol, fval, exitflag, output, lambda] = cplexlp(f_col',Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,[], [], opt); if (exitflag ~= 1 || output.cplexstatus ~= 1) disp(strcat('EXITFLAG ROGUE : ', num2str(exitflag))); disp(strcat('OUTPUT.CPLEXSTATUS ROGUE: ', num2str(output.cplexstatus))); disp(strcat('OUTPUT.CPLEXSTATUSSTRING ROGUE: ', output.cplexstatusstring)); U_sol = mysol(1:num_UT,1); T_sol = mysol(num_UT+1:2*num_UT,1); W_sol = mysol(2*num_UT+1,1); coef_sol = mysol(2*num_UT+2:2*num_UT+1+P,1); obj_sol = fval; if(iterate > 49) bool_break= true; end else %warning(strcat('INITIALIZED SUCCESSFULLY, after iter :', num2str(initial_iter))) %prepare outputs U_sol = mysol(1:num_UT,1); T_sol = mysol(num_UT+1:2*num_UT,1); W_sol = mysol(2*num_UT+1,1); coef_sol = mysol(2*num_UT+2:2*num_UT+1+P,1); obj_sol = fval; clear lambda; clear mysol; if(iterate > 49) best_eps = abs(obj_prev - obj_sol); failure = -9999; terminateWHILE = true; disp(strcat('TERMINATING.... CONVERGED! FAILURE: ', num2str(failure), ' BEST EPS : ', num2str(best_eps))) end if ( (abs(obj_prev - obj_sol) 0) Objective = obj_sol; residuals = Y - X*coef_sol; Sort_Residuals = sort(residuals); index = ceil(alpha*N); lambda = (index/N - alpha)/(1-alpha); if (index > 0) AVaRempiricalDist = (lambda*Sort_Residuals(index) + (1-lambda)/(N - index)*sum(Sort_Residuals(index+1:N))); else AVaRempiricalDist = (1-lambda)/(1- index/N)*(1/N)*sum(Sort_Residuals(index+1:N)); end a_0 = AVaRempiricalDist; a_1 = coef_sol; sol_coef= [a_0;a_1]; if (scaling) t_0 = a_0*sigma_y -(mu_x./sigma_x)*a_1*sigma_y+mu_y; t_1 = a_1*sigma_y./sigma_x'; sol_coef= [t_0;t_1]; end end end