MIT Courses

Fall 1999 | Spring 1999 | Fall 1998 | Spring 1998 | Fall 1997

Fall 1999
6.837 Computer Graphics
15.567 Electronic Commerce and Marketing
1.962 Electronic Commerce and Technical Design

Spring 1999
4.THG SMARchS Thesis: Web-based Collaborative Design Environment

Fall 1998
1.264 Infomation Technology & Computation Models in Logistics
1.963 Fundamentals of Database Systems
4.288 Preparation for SMArchS Thesis
11.521 Computer-Based Analysis for Public Management

Spring 1998
4.181 Unbuilt Palladio
4.195 Designing Electronic Commerce and Online Govenment
4.290 Pre-Thesis Preparation for Architecture Studies
4.397 Advanced Photography
HAS.2303 Advanced Digital Modeling (GSD, Harvard)

Fall 1997
1.124 Computer Aided Engineering
4.203 Geometric Modeling (MIT only)
4.208 Computational Design -- Shape Grammar
4.221 Architecture Falculty Colloquim
4.273 Introduction to Design Inquiry