Some may not believe it, but I was a student at TJ and enjoyed it. Education Can Be Fun! So for those who are interested, here's the classes I took, for those interested in

Going Crazy in Four Years

Freshman Year

Everybody is a freshman at least once. Back in my day, freshman integrated was a choice. No longer.

Summer '91

Ahh, summer. A time to sit back, forget the pressures of school, and take Let me just note for the record that although I may like math, I am not a fan of three-hour evening classes, conducted in marginally comprehensible English.

Sophomore Year

Sophomore: "Wise Fool". If you're a sophomore and think that you're better then that, you are just like every other sophomore.

Summer '92

This was the summer of parallel processing.

Junior year

Some say that junior year at TJ is hellish. I prefer to think of it as a "tempering experience".

Summer '93

Heigh ho, heigh ho, it's off to work we go!

I was an intern and random useful person at the American Management Systems (AMS) Center for Advanced Technologies (CTG) in Fairfax, VA (Virginia. Aren't acronyms great?), in their multimedia lab. I did video and audio mixing and editing, shot some video, learned how to play with lots of neat and expensive hi-tech toys, worked with writing interactive hypermedia in Windows Toolbook (It stinks. Use Tcl/Tk).

Senior year

Ah, a time to relax. NOT! What with college applications, the Netvend project, drama, JETS, sysadmin at the computer systems lab, Al Gore, and everything else, it was a very busy time. Oh yeah, I had some classes, too. Then, amazingly,

I graduated!

Wow... four years of hard work, 72,000 miles of commuting, and reams of paper have come down to this... a little blue cap and gown, and a bit of paper suitable for framing. Again, wow.