June 30, Friday - Moscow

Me and the poster for our concert Me and the poster for our concert (smaller version)

This concert went quite well, or at least, I was happy with how it went. Had the unusual experience of having a choir of about 30 people from Moscow stand up and sing to us. They sang from memory, and I learned later that none of them read music, nor do they have music, so it is all learned by rote. After the concert, we had refreshments and tried to chat with the people from the other choir. I saw Brian Clancy trying to talk in Spanish, but the people he was talking to didn't know it, and their English was about as limited as my SPanish. I tried French, with no real luck, and finally German, which one of the women in the choir understood, so I had to try to dredge up the German that I learned almost 15 years ago to speak to her. It worked a little bit, but not as well as I would have liked.

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