%% %% csm.sty version 1.23 (25 Sep 2005) %% % % IEEE Control Systems Magazine LaTeX style file % written 2004/2005 by Kent H. Lundberg (klund at mit dot edu) % % Must be used in conjunction with class file IEEEtran.cls v1.6b % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/ % (which is functionally equivalent to PaperPlaza's cssconf.cls). % % Instructions: Begin your document with the following LaTeX commands: % % \documentclass[letterpaper,12pt,peerreviewca,draftcls]{IEEEtran} % \usepackage{csm} % \title{Title}\author{You} % \begin{document} % \maketitle % \CSMsetup % % For more information, see http://web.mit.edu/klund/www/csm/ % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % True double spacing and half-inch paragraph indents. \def\baselinestretch{2} \setlength{\parindent}{36pt} % Turn off section numbering (\section == \section*) \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % Resets the list of references and figure captions to be set in % normal-size font. (This approach is a gruesome hack, but you % shouldn't be using footnotes in CSM anyway.) \renewcommand{\footnotesize}{} % ``Figure'' instead of ``Fig.'' \def\fnum@figure{Figure~\thefigure} % Correct styling for the section headings \def\section{\@startsection{section}{1}{0ex} {3.0ex plus 1.5ex minus 1.5ex}{0.01ex plus 0ex minus 0ex} {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\scshape}} \def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{0ex} {3.0ex plus 1.5ex minus 1.5ex}{0.01ex plus 0ex minus 0ex} {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}} \def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{0ex} {3.0ex plus 1.5ex minus 1.5ex}{0.01ex plus 0ex minus 0ex} {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\itshape}} \def\paragraph{\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{0ex} {3.0ex plus 1.5ex minus 1.5ex}{0.01ex plus 0ex minus 0ex} {\normalfont\normalsize\itshape}} \raggedbottom % Setup macro after \maketitle, including an extra blank line between % paragraphs, and simple page numbers (starting with 1) at the bottom of % each page. \def\CSMsetup{ \setlength{\parskip}{4ex} \pagestyle{plain}\thispagestyle{plain} \pagenumbering{arabic} }