Em​ma Gibson

Doctoral Student
MIT Operations Research Center
emgibson {at} mit [dot] edu

About Me

I enjoy tackling complex problems and developing creative solutions to understand and improve the world around me. I'm currently completing my PhD at the MIT Operations Research Center under the supervision of Prof. Jónas Jónasson. My research interests include optimization, machine learning, and mathematical modeling, and my PhD is focussed on improving healthcare delivery in resource limited settings. Prior to my studies at MIT, I obtained a Masters degree in Logistics from Stellenbosch University, and a BSc. Hons. in Computational Applied Mathematics and Statistics from the University of the Witwatersrand.

Recent Publications

Teaching @ MIT

Head teaching assistant for The Analytics Edge (Spring 2021) 

Topics: Analytics, machine learning, and optimization in R and Julia. 
Coordinated a team of five teaching assistants for a class of 300 MBA students; redesigned homework assignments and case studies; managed Azure Virtual Desktop resources for student assignments; managed Canvas site and online resources.

Instructor for the Master of Business Analytics Software Orientation Workshop (Fall 2019)

Developed and delivered a 3-hour workshop on linear and mixed-integer programming using Julia, JuMP, and Gurobi.

Teaching Assistant for The Advanced Analytics Edge (Spring 2018)

Topics: Machine learning and optimization in R and Julia (PhD/Masters level)
Delivered weekly recitations on coding in R and Julia; developed online homework assignments; supervised class projects.

Service and Leadership

REFS (Resources for Easing Friction and Stress)

REFS are a peer support resource to help graduate students at MIT navigate stressful times. I joined the REFS program in 2019 after completing training in conflict management and mediation, and I worked on a number of initiatives to support students during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Seminar Coordinator, MIT Operations Research Center

In 2020 I served as a coordinator for the ORC Fall Seminar Series. I worked with a great team of faculty, staff, and students to transition the Seminars to a virtual format.

Sustainability @ MIT

During my PhD I organized various sustainability initiatives at MIT, including a community garden, a composting program, a junk-mail reduction drive, and a transition to reusable utensils at student events. I served as Sustainability Officer in Eastgate graduate housing, as well as a member of the Graduate Student Council Sustainability Committee. 

Undergraduate student leadership

I served as a member of the Science Students Council at the University of the Witwatersrand, as well as the 2014 Class Representative for Computational and Applied Maths Honours. I was selected to attend the 2013 Winter Leadership Program.
