Useful sql commands

select * from dict order by table_name – gives you all the oracle table names




var     li_ret    number

exec :li_ret := fn_proposal_approval('00005007', '159700', 'RLGOGOL');


to turn setserveroutput on, go to options/environment


also, helpful to say:  spool myfile.txt

                                        spool off


TO EXECUTE A stored proc


Let’s say there is an in argument and an in/out argument


Var ls_rc varchar2(30);

Exec myproc(‘00000120’,:ls_rc);


Print ls_rc;



Var myref REFCURSOR;

exec pkg_oh_rate_and_base.get_oh_rate_and_base_for_per('00001044',1,1,:myref);


To insert a date


update osp$award_idc_rate

set start_date = to_date ('01/01/1900','dd/mm/yyyy')

where start_date is  null;