


We created a certificate to use for our dev and test web servers. It is the same cert for both.  Can use a tool (like keytool in java, or some other tool ) to create it. what is created is a keystore file. This can include multiple certs, but in our case it just has one cert.

We use another tool to extract the public key from the cert and send this to grants.gov – they also have to register our cert (using our duns number). 


Soap_server.properties file determines where the cert is.


For our production environment, we couldn’t create the cert by ourselves – have to have Jeff do it.


When we use the web service to grants.gov, java code will grab the cert from the location specified in soap properties file and send it.


For multicampus thing, take the proposal lead unit, go up the hierarchy until we get to a unit that has an organization. Take that duns number. Use java api to get the cert with an alias of the duns number and send it.


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