Housing Notes

Last updated May 7, 2001.

Thoughts and notes about house design, jotted down as I go. Not necessarily things I want to have in my home, but things worth exploring.

General priorities: low-maintentance/durable; comfortable; inviting/friendly; spacious (in the psychological/aesthetic rather than physical sense); clean, simple lines and shapes. I'd rather spend money on things like murals, good furniture, etc. than things like huge rooms or detailed trim.

More specific notes and thoughts:

Also, some random floorplans (not necessarily of things I want, just ones I happen to have lying around): Diagonal kitchen counters -- Boring first floor -- Connected porches -- My current apartment


Probably my favorite part of the house.


Having a comfortable bathroom might actually compete in priority with my kitchen -- though I spend less time there, granted.


This should actually include the kitchen, or at least not be actively separated from it... in effect, creating a large open-plan greatroom with a kitchen at one end and a livingroom at the other. Or if you like, a really big kitchen that happens to include couches, some lamps, maybe a television...

Other rooms


Design Elements

Miscellaneous visual preferences.


Miscellaneous thoughts