function [V,C,T] = sphem(A,type) % Assume that A exists and is a list of points % on the surface of a unit sphere. pagedim = [612,792]; scale = 100; clear V C T; % as in the voronoin help page [V C] = voronoin([ 0 0 0 ; A ]); V = V(2:length(V),:); C = C(2:length(C)); for i = 1:length(C), C{i} = C{i}(2:length(C{i})); C{i} = C{i} - ones(size(C{i})); end T = delaunayn([ 0 0 0 ; A ]); for i = 1:length(T), T(i,:) = sort(T(i,:)); end T = T(:,2:4); T = T - ones(size(T)); % we'd like to match triangulations to vertices % for each triangulation, we take the cells, and find the vertex % that they each have in common for i = 1:length(T), clear s; s = sort([C{T(i,1)} C{T(i,2)} C{T(i,3)}]); s = s(find([s 0 0] == [0 0 s])); T(i,4) = s(1); % we're guaranteed to have a single triplicate value if (length(s) > 1), error('unstable data'); end end T = sortrows(T,4); T = T(:,1:3); for i = 1:length(T), if (dot(cross(A(T(i,1),:),A(T(i,2),:)),A(T(i,3),:)) < 0) T(i,:) = [T(i,1) T(i,3) T(i,2)]; end end for i = 1:length(C), clear s; s = (i == T(C{i}(1),:)); s = [s(3) s(1:2)] * T(C{i}(1),:)'; C{i} = [C{i} ; zeros(size(C{i}))]; C{i}(2,1) = s; for j = 2:length(C{i}), for k = j:length(C{i}), clear s; s = sort([C{i}(2,j-1) i T(C{i}(1,k),:)]); if sum([s -1] == [-1 s]) == 2 if (j ~= k) C{i} = [C{i}(:,1:j-1) C{i}(:,k) C{i}(:,j+1:k-1) C{i}(:,j) C{i}(:,k+1:length(C{i}))]; end % we can now dispense with k, because we switched columns j and k C{i}(2,j) = ((C{i}(2,j-1) ~= T(C{i}(1,j),:)) .* T(C{i}(1,j),:)) * (i ~= T(C{i}(1,j),:))'; end end end end clear s; for i = 1:length(V), s = sqrt(dot(V(i,:),V(i,:))); V(i,:) = V(i,:)/s; end for i = 1:length(C), if dot(V(C{i}(1,1),:),V(C{i}(1,2),:)) > dot(V(C{i}(1,2),:),V(C{i}(1,3),:)) C{i} = [C{i}(:,2:length(C{i})) C{i}(:,1)]; end end fid = fopen('','w'); psheader(fid); switch type case 'voronoi', drawarc(fid); cshow(fid); pageheader(fid); fprintf(fid,'100 690 moveto\n'); for i = 1:length(C), clear s; s = [C{i} C{i}]; fprintf(fid,'0 -20 rmoveto (%d) ',i); for j = 1:length(C{i}) fprintf(fid,'%f (%d) ', acos(dot(V(s(1,j),:),V(s(1,j+1),:)))*180/pi, s(2,j)); end fprintf(fid,'%d drawarc\n', length(C{i})); end case 'voronoi2', drawarc2(fid); cshow(fid); cshow2(fid); pageheader(fid); fprintf(fid,'100 690 moveto\n'); for i = 1:length(C), clear s; s = [C{i} C{i}]; fprintf(fid,'0 -20 rmoveto (%d) [ ',i); for j = 1:length(C{i}) fprintf(fid,'%f ', acos(dot(V(s(1,j),:),V(s(1,j+1),:)))*180/pi); end fprintf(fid,'] [ ',i); for j = 1:length(C{i}) fprintf(fid,'(%d) ', s(2,j)); end fprintf(fid,'] %d drawarc\n', length(C{i})); end case 'delaunay', drawarcendlabels(fid); cshow(fid); pageheader(fid); fprintf(fid,'100 690 moveto\n'); for i = 1:length(T) fprintf(fid,'0 -20 rmoveto '); s = [ T(i,:) T(i,:) ]; for j = 1:3 fprintf(fid,'%f (%d) ', acos(dot(A(s(j)),A(s(j+1))))*180/pi, s(j+1));; end fprintf(fid,'3 drawarc\n'); end case 'plotdelaunay', U = ''; hold off newplot; hold on; axis([-1.2 1.2 -1.2 1.2 -1.2 1.2]); for i = 1:length(T) s = sort(T(i,:)); U = [U ; s(1:2); s(2:3); s(1) s(3)]; end U = sortrows(U); for i = 1:2:length(U), P = [linspace(A(U(i,1),1), A(U(i,2),1), 50)', linspace(A(U(i,1),2), A(U(i,2),2), 50)', linspace(A(U(i,1),3), A(U(i,2),3), 50)']; for j = 1:length(P), s = sqrt(dot(P(j,:),P(j,:))); P(j,:) = P(j,:)/s; end plot3(P(:,1),P(:,2),P(:,3)); end, case 'plotvoronoi', U = ''; hold off newplot; hold on; axis([-1.2 1.2 -1.2 1.2 -1.2 1.2]); for i = 1:length(C) s = [C{i}(1,:) C{i}(1,1)]; while length(s) > 1, U = [U ; sort(s(1:2))]; s = s(2:length(s)); end end U = sortrows(U); for i = 1:2:length(U), P = [linspace(V(U(i,1),1), V(U(i,2),1), 50)', linspace(V(U(i,1),2), V(U(i,2),2), 50)', linspace(V(U(i,1),3), V(U(i,2),3), 50)']; for j = 1:length(P), s = sqrt(dot(P(j,:),P(j,:))); P(j,:) = P(j,:)/s; end plot3(P(:,1),P(:,2),P(:,3)); end case 'voronoiellipse', cshow(fid); cshow2(fid); z = 0.9; As = [ A(:,1:2) z*A(:,3) ]; Vs = [ V(:,1:2) z*V(:,3) ]; pageheader(fid); pagepos = [scale+15, pagedim(2)-scale-40 ]; for i = 1:length(C), e = 0.7; s = [C{i} C{i}]; % the usual fprintf(fid,'gsave %% edge %d\n%d %d translate\n', i, pagepos(1), pagepos(2)); for j = 1:length(C{i})+1 c = cross(Vs(s(1,j),:),Vs(s(1,j+1),:)); d = cross(c,[-c(2),c(1),0]); d(3) = d(3)/z; % we can't normalise to the ellipse easily d = d/sqrt(dot(d,d)); % except by scaling it down to the circle, ds = [d(1) d(2) d(3)*z]; % scaling it, then scaling the z coordinate again % ds is the long axis of the ellipse in the plane that our two points are on % a1 and a2 are angles, t? is a temporary vector a1 = acos(dot(V(s(1,j),:),d)); a2 = acos(dot(V(s(1,j+1),:),d)); t = cross(V(s(1,j),:),V(s(1,j+1),:)); ta = cross(d,V(s(1,j),:)); tb = cross(d,V(s(1,j+1),:)); if (ta(3)*tb(3) > 0) if (t(3)*ta(3) < 0) d = -d; ds = -ds; a1 = pi - a1; a2 = pi - a2; % if the segment doesn't cover an end, then move it so that it's to the top end else if (a1+a2 > pi) d = -d; ds = -ds; a1 = pi - a1; a2 = pi - a2; % if the segment does cover an end, then move it so that % it's across the right half of the x axis end a1 = -a1; end as1 = atan2(sin(a1), sqrt(dot(ds,ds))*cos(a1)); as2 = atan2(sin(a2), sqrt(dot(ds,ds))*cos(a2)); fprintf(fid,'gsave\n%f rotate\n', (e-as1)*180/pi); e = e + as2 - as1; fprintf(fid,'%f 1 scale\n',sqrt(dot(ds,ds))); if (j == length(C{i})+1) fprintf(fid,'0 0 r2 %f %f arcn\n', ((2*a1+a2)/3-0.03)*180/pi, a1*180/pi); fprintf(fid,'0 0 r1 %f %f arc\nclosepath stroke\n', a1*180/pi, ((2*a1+a2)/3+0.03)*180/pi); elseif (j == 1) fprintf(fid,'0 0 r2 %f %f arcn\n', a2*180/pi, ((2*a1+a2)/3-0.03)*180/pi); fprintf(fid,'0 0 r1 %f %f arc\nstroke\n', ((2*a1+a2)/3+0.03)*180/pi, a2*180/pi); % this is an edge label fprintf(fid,'%f r3 mul %f r3 mul moveto (%d) cshow\n', cos((a1+a2)/2), sin((a1+a2)/2), s(2,j)); else fprintf(fid,'0 0 r2 %f %f arcn\n', a2*180/pi, a1*180/pi); fprintf(fid,'0 0 r1 %f %f arc\nstroke\n', a1*180/pi, a2*180/pi); % this is an edge label fprintf(fid,'%f r3 mul %f r3 mul moveto (%d) cshow\n', cos((a1+a2)/2), sin((a1+a2)/2), s(2,j)); end if (a2-a1 > 0.15 & j > 1) % This label is massively redundant. Don't bother with it, if the edge is really short. fprintf(fid,'%f r3 mul %f r3 mul moveto (%d) cshow2\n', cos(a1+0.03), sin(a1+0.03), i); end fprintf(fid,'grestore\n'); if (j == length(C{i})+1) % this is the x that goes in the center fprintf(fid,'r4 2 div dup dup moveto dup -1 mul dup lineto dup -1 mul 2 copy moveto exch lineto stroke\n'); end end % for loop incrementing j fprintf(fid,'grestore\n\n'); if (pagepos(2) <= scale-30) pagepos(2) = pagedim(2)-scale-40; if (pagepos(1) + 2*scale + 30 > pagedim(1) - scale - 15) fprintf(fid,'showpage\n\n'); pageheader(fid); pagepos(1) = scale+15; else pagepos(1) = pagepos(1) + 2*scale + 30; end else pagepos(2) = pagepos(2) - 50; end end % for loop incrementing i fprintf(fid,'\nshowpage\n'); % end of voronoiellipse', case 'delaunayellipse', cshow(fid); z = 1.3; As = [ A(:,1:2) z*A(:,3) ]; Vs = [ V(:,1:2) z*V(:,3) ]; pageheader(fid); pagepos = [scale+40, pagedim(2)-scale-40 ]; for i = 1:length(T), e = 0.4; s = [T(i,:) T(i,:)]; % the usual fprintf(fid,'gsave %% edge %d\n%d %d translate\n', i, pagepos(1), pagepos(2)); for j = 1:4 c = cross(As(s(1,j),:),As(s(1,j+1),:)); d = cross(c,[-c(2),c(1),0]); d(3) = d(3)/z; % we can't normalise to the ellipse easily d = d/sqrt(dot(d,d)); % except by scaling it down to the circle, ds = [d(1) d(2) d(3)*z]; % scaling it, then scaling the z coordinate again % ds is the long axis of the ellipse in the plane that our two points are on % a1 and a2 are angles, t? is a temporary vector a1 = acos(dot(A(s(1,j),:),d)); a2 = acos(dot(A(s(1,j+1),:),d)); t = cross(A(s(1,j),:),A(s(1,j+1),:)); ta = cross(d,A(s(1,j),:)); tb = cross(d,A(s(1,j+1),:)); if (ta(3)*tb(3) > 0) if (t(3)*ta(3) < 0) d = -d; ds = -ds; a1 = pi - a1; a2 = pi - a2; % if the segment doesn't cover an end, then move it so that it's to the top end else if (a1+a2 > pi) d = -d; ds = -ds; a1 = pi - a1; a2 = pi - a2; % if the segment does cover an end, then move it so that % it's across the right half of the x axis end a1 = -a1; end as1 = atan2(sin(a1), sqrt(dot(ds,ds))*cos(a1)); as2 = atan2(sin(a2), sqrt(dot(ds,ds))*cos(a2)); fprintf(fid,'gsave\n%f rotate\n', (e-as1)*180/pi); e = e + as2 - as1; fprintf(fid,'%f 1 scale\n',sqrt(dot(ds,ds))); if (j == 4) fprintf(fid,'0 0 r2 %f %f arcn\n', ((2*a1+a2)/3-0.03)*180/pi, a1*180/pi); fprintf(fid,'0 0 r1 %f %f arc\nclosepath stroke\n', a1*180/pi, ((2*a1+a2)/3+0.03)*180/pi); elseif (j == 1) fprintf(fid,'0 0 r2 %f %f arcn\n', a2*180/pi, ((2*a1+a2)/3-0.03)*180/pi); fprintf(fid,'0 0 r1 %f %f arc\nstroke\n', ((2*a1+a2)/3+0.03)*180/pi, a2*180/pi); else fprintf(fid,'0 0 r2 %f %f arcn\n', a2*180/pi, a1*180/pi); fprintf(fid,'0 0 r1 %f %f arc\nstroke\n', a1*180/pi, a2*180/pi); end if (j ~= 4) fprintf(fid,'%f r3 mul %f r3 mul moveto (%d) cshow\n', cos(a2+0.08), sin(a2+0.08), s(j+1)); fprintf(fid,'%f r3 mul %f r3 mul moveto (%d) cshow\n', cos(a2-0.08), sin(a2-0.08), s(j+1)); end fprintf(fid,'grestore\n'); if (j == 4) fprintf(fid,'r4 2 div dup dup moveto dup -1 mul dup lineto dup -1 mul 2 copy moveto exch lineto stroke\n'); end end % for loop incrementing j fprintf(fid,'grestore\n\n'); if (pagepos(2) <= scale-40) pagepos(2) = pagedim(2)-scale-40; if (pagepos(1) + 2*scale + 30 > pagedim(1) - scale - 15) fprintf(fid,'showpage\n\n'); pageheader(fid); pagepos(1) = scale+40; else pagepos(1) = pagepos(1) + 2*scale + 30; end else pagepos(2) = pagepos(2) - 50; end end % for loop incrementing i fprintf(fid,'\nshowpage\n'); % end of delaunayellipse case otherwise, disp 'unknown plot type' end fclose(fid); %--------------------------- function [] = psheader(fid) fprintf(fid,'%%!ps\n\n'); fprintf(fid,'%% Generated by $Id: sphem.m,v 1.11 2002/04/14 02:40:53 cfox Exp $ on %s\n\n', date); fprintf(fid,'/unit %d def /r1 0.90 unit mul def /r2 unit def /r3 0.95 unit mul def /r4 0.04 unit mul def\n', 100); fprintf(fid,'/Courier findfont 1 r4 mul scalefont setfont\n\n'); function [] = pageheader(fid) fprintf(fid,'0.1 setlinewidth\n'); %fprintf(fid,'100 690 moveto\n'); function [] = drawarc(fid) fprintf(fid,'/drawarc { dup 2 mul 1 add copy 0 exch {exch pop add} repeat dup 2 div\n'); fprintf(fid,'dup 90 exch sub exch 90 add currentpoint 4 copy newpath r1 5 -2 roll\n'); fprintf(fid,'exch arcn 4 copy r2 5 -2 roll arc 3 -1 roll pop 4 -1 roll pop 4 -1 roll\n'); fprintf(fid,'{ 5 copy 5 -1 roll 2 div 4 -1 roll add dup sin r3 mul exch cos r3 mul 4\n'); fprintf(fid,'-1 roll add 3 1 roll add moveto cshow 4 -1 roll pop 4 2 roll add 3 copy\n'); fprintf(fid,'dup sin exch cos 4 copy r1 mul 4 -1 roll add 3 1 roll r1 mul add moveto\n'); fprintf(fid,'r2 mul 4 -1 roll add 3 1 roll r2 mul add lineto 3 1 roll } repeat 3 2\n'); fprintf(fid,'roll 3 add dup cos r3 mul exch sin r3 mul 4 copy pop pop 4 -1 roll 3 -1\n'); fprintf(fid,'roll add 3 1 roll add moveto 3 -1 roll cshow stroke moveto } def\n\n'); function [] = drawarcendlabels(fid) fprintf(fid,'/drawarc { dup 2 mul 1 add copy 0 exch {exch pop add} repeat dup 2 div\n'); fprintf(fid,'dup 90 exch sub exch 90 add 10 add currentpoint 4 copy newpath r1 5 -2\n'); fprintf(fid,'roll exch arcn 4 copy r2 5 -2 roll arc 3 -1 roll pop 4 -1 roll pop 4\n'); fprintf(fid,'-1 roll { 5 -1 roll 4 -1 roll add 4 copy 3 add dup sin r3 mul exch cos\n'); fprintf(fid,'r3 mul 4 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add moveto cshow 4 copy 3 sub dup sin r3\n'); fprintf(fid,'mul exch cos r3 mul 4 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add moveto cshow 4 -1 roll\n'); fprintf(fid,'pop 3 copy dup sin r1 mul exch cos r1 mul 4 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add\n'); fprintf(fid,'moveto 3 copy dup sin r2 mul exch cos r2 mul 4 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add\n'); fprintf(fid,'lineto 3 1 roll } repeat stroke moveto } def\n\n'); function [] = cshow(fid) fprintf(fid,'/cshow { gsave /Courier findfont 1 r4 mul scalefont setfont 0.1\n'); fprintf(fid,'setlinewidth currentpoint 2 copy newpath 2 copy exch r4 add exch moveto\n'); fprintf(fid,'r4 0 360 arc 3 copy pop pop stringwidth pop -2 div 3 -1 roll add exch\n'); fprintf(fid,'-0.5 r4 mul add moveto show closepath stroke grestore } bind def\n\n'); function [] = cshow2(fid) fprintf(fid,'/cshow2 { gsave /Courier-Bold findfont 0.8 r4 mul scalefont setfont\n'); fprintf(fid,'currentpoint 3 copy pop pop stringwidth pop -2 div 3 -1 roll add exch\n'); fprintf(fid,'-0.5 r4 mul add moveto show grestore } bind def\n\n'); function [] = drawarc2(fid) % unit-label [ x1 x2 ... xn ] [ 1l l2 ... ln ] n fprintf(fid,'/drawarc { /n exch def /labels exch def /angles exch def /mylabel exch\n'); fprintf(fid,'def currentpoint /cy exch def /cx exch def 0 angles { add } forall 2\n'); fprintf(fid,'div dup dup 90 add 2 add exch 90 exch sub 2 add cx cy r2 4 -1 roll 5 -1\n'); fprintf(fid,'roll newpath arc dup dup 90 add 2 sub exch 90 exch sub 2 sub cx cy r1 5\n'); fprintf(fid,'-1 roll 5 -1 roll arcn closepath stroke 90 exch sub angles 0 get 3 div\n'); fprintf(fid,'sub 0 1 n 1 sub { dup angles exch get 3 copy 2 div exch pop add dup cos\n'); fprintf(fid,'r3 mul cx add exch sin r3 mul cy add moveto exch labels exch get cshow\n'); fprintf(fid,'add dup dup sin exch cos 2 copy r2 mul cx add exch r2 mul cy add moveto\n'); fprintf(fid,'r1 mul cx add exch r1 mul cy add lineto stroke dup 2 add dup cos r3 mul\n'); fprintf(fid,'cx add exch sin r3 mul cy add moveto mylabel cshow2 } for cx cy moveto } def\n\n');