USAMTS Problem 1/1/12


Determine the smallest five-digit positive integer N such that 2N is also a five-digit integer and all ten digits from 0 to 9 are found in N and 2N.


First, we assume that a five digit number is greater than 10000; it does not start with 0. 


We want to find the smallest such number, and for this we will start with the smallest possible numbers starting from the leftmost digits of N and 2N.  Let us start with 1 as the first digit of N.  This makes the first digit of 2N  2 or 3 and 2 is the smaller of these.


0 cannot be a digit of N because then its corresponding digit in 2N would either be 0 or 1, both of which are already taken. 


The next smallest number we can use for the second digit of N is 3.


The next smallest number that we can use for the third digit of N is 4.  Now that we have no more numbers less than 5 that we can use for N, there must be a carryover onto the third digit of 2N, making it be 9 instead of 8.  By now, our numbers look like this:


 N = 134??

2N = 269??


We still have not used numbers 5, 7, 8, and 0. (Remember, 0 cannot be used for a digit in N). The next smallest number we can use for the fourth digit of N is 5.  However, there will be a carryover because there are no more available digits less than five, and the fourth digit of 2N would be 1, which we have already used. 


The next smallest number we can use for the fourth digit of N is 7.  The fourth digit of 2N would then be 5.  However, this leaves us with the numbers 8 and 0 for the last digits of N and 2N, and 28 = 16, whose last digit is not 0. 


So, our next smallest number which we can use for the fourth digit of N is 8.  This would mean that the fourth digit of 2N is 7.   This leaves only 5 for the last digit of N.  52 = 10.  0 would be the last digit of 2N, and everything fits together perfectly.  So, the smallest numbers N and 2N such that the digits 0 through 9 are used exactly once are:


 N = 13485

2N = 26970


Note: I used cards numbered 0-9, and found one can systematically carry out this method in seconds.  Actually, there are many more numbers N and 2N that satisfy the given requirements.  In fact, if we consider numbers that begin with 0 five-digit numbers, then, by using the above procedure, we find that the smallest numbers N and 2N are:


 N = 06729

2N = 13459

USAMTS Problem 2/1/12


It was recently shown that 2224 + 1 is not a prime number.  Find the four rightmost digits of this number.


It is pretty easy to see that if a  b (mod 10000), then a2  b2 (mod 10000).  In other words, to obtain the rightmost four digits of x2, you don’t have to take the square of x.  Instead, you just have to take the rightmost four digits of the square of the rightmost four digits of x.  To prove this, let


x = 10000z + a,


where a is the last four digits of x, and z is a non-negative integer.  Then:


x2 = (10000z + a)2

x2 = 100002z2 + 210000a + a2


Since the first two terms of the right hand side are divisible by 10000, they are not part of the last four digits of x2.  So, the last four digits of a2 are the same as the last four digits of x2.


With this in mind, we can repeatedly take the squares of the last four digits, starting with 2 as shown in the table below.  After 24 steps, we add 1, thus finding the last four digits of 2224 + 1.




... (mod 10000)



22 or 22


24 or 42


28 or 162


224 or 2562


225 or 55362


226 or 72962


227 or 16162


228 or 14562


229 or 99362


2210 or 40962


2211 or 72162


2212 or 6562


2213 or 3362


2214 or 28962


2215 or 68162


2216 or 78562


2217 or 67362


2218 or 36962


2219 or 4162


2220 or 30562


2221 or 91362


2222 or 64962


2223 or 80162


2224 or 62562



2224  7536 (mod 10000), so 2224 + 1  7537 (mod 10000).

USAMTS Problem 3/1/12


Determine the integers a, b, c, d, and e for which

(x2 + ax + b)(x3  + cx2 + dx + e) = x5  9x  27 .


Given (x2 + ax + b)(x3  + cx2 + dx + e) = x5  9x  27:

x5 + (a + c)x4 + (b + ca + d)x3 + (bc + ad + b)x2 + (bd + ea)x + be

= x5  9x  27


By comparing the coeficients of both sides, we get five equations:

a + c = 0                (1

b + ca + d = 0        (2

bc + ad + b = 0      (3

bd + ea = -9                     (4

be = -27                 (5


1) gives:

c = -a                     (6


2) gives:

b  a2 + d = 0

or d = a2  b                  (7


3) gives:

-ba + a(a2  b) + e = 0

or e = ba  a3 + ab

or e = 2ab  a3                         (8


4) gives:

b(a2  b) + a(2ab  a3) = -9

or a2b  b2 + 2a2b  a4 + 9 = 0

or a4  3a2b + (b2  9) = 0                (9


Solving for a2

a2 = (3b ± (9b2  4b2 + 36))/2

or a2 = (3b ± (5b2 + 36))/2              (10



From 5) we get:

be = -27

, and since b and e are integers, b (and e) must be one of the following: ±1, ±3, ±9, or ±27.


To find out which one will produce integer a, we will test each possibillity by seeing if (3b ±  /2 is a perfect square

and for that we check first (5b2 + 36) is a perfect square.


When b = ±1, 5b2 + 36 = 41, which is not a perfect square.


When b = ±3, 5b2 + 36 = 81, which is a perfect square, a2. (3b ±  /2 = ±9 or 0, both of which are perfect squares


When b = ±9, 5b2 + 36 = 441, which is a perfect square.  However,

(3b ±  /2 = ±24 or ±3, neither of which are perfect squares.


When b = ±27, 5b2 + 36 = 3681, which is not a perfect square.


The only possible values for b are 3 and -3.


If b = -3, a2 = -9 or 0

a2 = -9 is impossible because a is a real number.

a2 = 0 is also impossible because:

8) gives e = 2ab  a3 = 0

or be = 0

but from 5) we know that be = -27.

So b cannot equal -3



Our only possibility is b = 3.

If b = 3, a2 = 9 or 0

We know a2 = 0 is impossible.

a2 = 9 is perfectly valid.

a = 3 or -3




b = 3


7) gives:

d = a2 - b

or d = 6


5) gives:

e = -27/b

or e = -9


4) gives:

bd + ea = -9

or 18 + -9a = -9

or a = 3


1) gives:

c = -a

or c = -3


Checking with our original five equations:

(1) 3 + (-3) = 0  true

(2) 3 + + 6 = 0  true

(3) (-9) + 18 + (-9) = 0  true

(4) 18 + (-27) = -9  true

(5) 3(-9) = -27  true


a = 3

b = 3

c = -3

d = 6

e = -9


Thus: (x2 + 3x + 3)(x3   3x2 + 6x  9) = x5  9x  27

USAMTS Problem 4/1/12


A sequence of real numbers s0, s1, s2, ... has the property that

sisj = si + j + si  j   for all nonnegative integers i and j with i  j,

si = si + 12               for all nonnegative integers i, and

s0 > s1 > s2 > 0.

Find the three numbers s0, s1, and s2.



sisj = si + j + si  j    (1)

si = si + 12               (2)

s0 > s1 > s2 > 0       (3)


When i = j = 0, (1) gives

s0s0 = s0 + s0

or (s0)2 = 2(s0)

Because s0 > 0, we can divide both sides by s0, getting

s0 = 2          (4)


We know that s12 = s0  (from (2))


When i = j = 6

(s6)2 = s12 + s0 = 2 + 2 = 4

s6 = ±2


Now     (s3)2 = s6 + s0 = ±2 + 2 =  {4 or 0}

Thus      s3 = ±2 or 0                 (5)


Now      s2s1 = s3 + s1

or s3 = s2s1  s1

s3 = s1(s2  1)      (6)


Since        0 < s2 < s1 < 2

|s1| < 2

|s2  1| < 1

so |s3| < 2


Thus, for s3 ,   0 is the only possible value from (5),

s3 = 0           (7)


  Since s1  0,  (6) gives

s2 = 1


Now, putting i = j = 1 in (1), we get

(s1)2 = s2 + s0 = 1 + 2 = 3

s1 =  as s1 > 0


s0 = 2

s1 =  

s2 = 1


Note: s3 = 0.  We can easily calculate all values for si

eg: s1 = s11 = , s2 = s10 = 1, s3 = s9 = 0, s4 = s8 = -1, s5 = s7 = - , and s6 = -2. 

Since si = si + 12, we can find all values of si where i is an integer.

USAMTS Problem 5/1/12



In the octahedron shown to the right, the base and top faces are equilateral triangles with sides measuring 9 and 5 units, and the lateral edges are all of length 6 units.  Determine the height of the octahedron; i.e., the distance between the base and the top face.



The given octahedron ABCDEF contains two equilateral triangles: equilateral ΔABC with sides measuring 5 units and equilateral ΔDEF with sides measuring 9 units.  Lateral edges AE, AF, BD, BF, CD, and CE are congruent and have a measure of 6 units.


Let the midpoint of BC be G, the center of ΔABC be O (since it is an equilateral triangle, the circumcenter is the same as the incenter), and the center of ΔDEF be P.


In an equilateral triangle (say, ΔABC) with center O and sides measuring a, an altitude AG = .


Since AO = BO = CO = 2OG

OG =                                (1)

OB = OA = OC =              (2)


We see that GD' = OD'  OG


and we also know that ΔCGD' is a right triangle,

so CD'2 = CG2 + GD'2


Also, ΔCDD' is a right triangle with side CD measuring 6,

so the height DD' =  




OG =                               [Using (1)]


(for ΔD'E'F') OD' =         [Using (2)]


Thus GD' = OD'  OG =      


We know that CG = 5/2, so 

CD'2 = CG2 + GD'2 = (5/2)2 +  = 52/22 + (1323)/62

= 61/3


Thus, height DD' =  
