Geographic Nameserver

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For example, enter "cambridge, ma" to look up Cambridge, Massachusetts. If you enter just "cambridge", you will get information on all towns called Cambridge.

This server contains mostly information on locations within the US. It uses the information from the geographic nameserver database formerly on

This data was last considered current circa 1987.


Search for Pinehurst

Placename State County Lat/Long Elevation Population Remark Postal code Nation
Pinehurst California Fresno County 36:41:43 N 119:00:56 W US
Pinehurst Georgia Dooly County 32:11:45 N 083:45:47 W 378 431 31070 US
Pinehurst Idaho Adams County 45:15:10 N 116:20:00 W US
Pinehurst Idaho Shoshone County 47:32:20 N 116:14:11 W 83850 US
Pinehurst Kentucky Fayette County 38:04:20 N 084:27:26 W US
Pinehurst Maryland Anne Arundel County 39:07:03 N 076:26:02 W US
Pinehurst Maryland Baltimore County 39:22:24 N 076:37:08 W US
Pinehurst Massachusetts Middlesex County 42:31:45 N 071:13:43 W 104 6588 01866 US
Pinehurst Beach Massachusetts Plymouth County 41:44:48 N 070:42:37 W 10 US
Placename State County Lat/Long Elevation Population Remark Postal code Nation
Pinehurst New Jersey Atlantic County 39:28:42 N 074:33:00 W 70 US
Pinehurst New York Erie County 42:43:56 N 078:56:07 W US
Pinehurst North Carolina Henderson County 35:20:42 N 082:27:41 W US
Pinehurst North Carolina Moore County 35:11:43 N 079:28:11 W 28374 US
Pinehurst Oregon Jackson County 42:07:04 N 122:21:54 W 3368 US
Pinehurst Pennsylvania Beaver County 40:36:14 N 080:11:05 W US
Pinehurst Texas Montgomery County 30:10:15 N 095:40:56 W 222 77362 US
Pinehurst Texas Orange County 30:05:38 N 093:44:45 W US
Pinehurst Texas Orange County 30:06:25 N 093:46:28 W US
Pinehurst Virginia Portsmouth 36:50:44 N 076:22:23 W US
Placename State County Lat/Long Elevation Population Remark Postal code Nation
Pinehurst Washington Snohomish County 47:56:10 N 122:12:16 W US
Pinehurst Wisconsin Chippewa County 44:51:30 N 091:27:45 W US