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Section 10.7.1

General Structure

Each reference in CBE style retains throughout the document the same sequential number it is assigned when first cited. That number is then repeated whenever that work is cited in the document. In general, the goal of the CBE style of entries in the reference list is to minimize the number of keystrokes made by the typist: there are no periods after initials; names of journals and publishers are abbreviated; and titles of books, journals, and articles are not underlined, italicized, or enclosed in parentheses.

Citations in Text

The oncogene jun has presently become one of the best-known oncogenes because of its ability to act as a transcription factor1. One study2 examined the mRNA levels of jun C, jun B and jun D in various mouse tissues and concluded that each of these genes is expressed independently in different tissues and that they may play a role in growth, development and cellular differentiation.

Entries in Numbered List of References

1.  Cavalieri F, Ruscio T, Tinoco R, Benedict

    S, Davis C, Vogt PK. Isolation of three

    new avian sarcoma viruses: ASV9, ASV17,

    and ASV 25. Virology 1985;143:680-3.

2.  Hirai SI, Ryseck RP, Mechta F, Bravo R,

    Yaniv M. Characterization of jun D: a new

    member of jun protooncogene family.

    Embo J. 1989;8:1433-9.

Subsequent Citations in Text

The results presented in this report show that mammary tissues from mice, rats, and humans contain constitutive levels of jun B transcripts. This is not surprising since in a previous survey that did not include mammary tissue, jun B was found to be present in a variety of mouse tissues2.

--Taniya Sarkar, Wei Zhao, and Nurul H. Sarkar, "Expression of Jun Oncogene in Rodent and Human Breast Tumors," World Wide Web Journal of Biology

Reference Link Text
## CBE: General Structure ##
Reference Link Text

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