java.sql.SQLException class

Derby supplies values for the getMessage(), getSQLState(), and getErrorCode() calls of SQLExceptions. In addition, Derby sometimes returns multiple SQLExceptions using the nextException chain. The first exception is always the most severe exception, with SQL-92 Standard exceptions preceding those that are specific to Derby. For information on processing SQLExceptions, see "Working with Derby SQLExceptions in an application" in the Java DB Developer's Guide.

Related reference
java.sql.Driver interface
java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection method
java.sql.Connection interface
java.sql.DatabaseMetaData interface
java.sql.Statement interface
java.sql.CallableStatement interface
java.sql.PreparedStatement interface
java.sql.ResultSet interface
java.sql.ResultSetMetaData interface
java.sql.SQLWarning class
java.sql.Savepoint interface
Mapping of java.sql.Types to SQL types
JDBC Package for Connected Device Configuration/Foundation Profile (JSR 169)
JDBC 4.0-only features
JDBC escape syntax