Glavin's conduct warrants rebuke In the Year in Review, the article on the Committee Against Apartheid's protests ["CAA intensifies call for divestment," Feb. 1] mentioned the charges that Campus Police Chief Anne P. Glavin brought to the Committee on Discipline against Ronald W. Francis PhD '90 and Steven D. Penn G. The article omitted the fact that Glavin brought those charges just after the April protests, more than a month after the events of which Francis and Penn were accused. In all probability, she pressed the charges as harassment for their political activities. As the article noted, the COD found Francis and Penn innocent of all charges. Several officers were able to testify that the two were not guilty. The police had ample photographic evidence against the charges. The Tech published a front-page photo clearly indicating that the charges were false. Last fall, a lecturer in the architecture department was dismissed for using the work of her students without appropriate attribution. Glavin's offenses are far worse. Lying and pressing false charges are utterly incompatible with the mission of a police force to investigate and fight crime. Glavin has demonstrated a lack of the moral qualities essential to any police officer, let alone a police chief. Her continued presence here as chief of police is an abomination. She should be fired, and permanently disqualified from working in the criminal justice field. John Morrison G ---- Copyright 1991 by The Tech. All rights reserved. This story was published on Friday, February 15, 1991. Volume 111, Number 5 The story was printed on page 5. This article may be freely distributed electronically, provided it is distributed in its entirety and includes this notice, but may not be reprinted without the express written permission of The Tech. Write to for additional details.