SP.710: Intro to Microcontrollers Day 3: Serial communications 1) Hook up the MAX233 chip and plug in/solder together the serial cable. (see datasheets) 2) Check out the descriptions of the following built-in C functions in your C reference manual: #use rs232 kbhit() putc() getc() printf() 3) Here are some programs to write to get a hang of PICs and serial communications: i) a program that turns on an LED when you type press "A" on the keyboard (with the PIC hooked to the computer serial port and a serial terminal program like HyperTerm running), and turns it off when you press "B" ii) a program that reads characters from the computer, does nothing unless they are lowercase letters, but in that case prints back the uppercase version of the letter iiiA) a program that continually sends the status of the button over the serial port to the computer, separated by commas. (so the terminal program on the computer should display something like "0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,...") (this is the simplified version of a program that sends data on, say, the temperature in a room or the pressure on a mountain peak to a central computer). iiiB) in (iiiA), the fact that sending data over the serial port is relatively slow keeps you from taking data quickly. If we wanted to use this to see the effect of "switch bouncing" (see Day 2, program 3) in action, we'd be out of luck. Change this program so that the PIC samples the button (records data) very quickly for a short period of time, and then sends all this data to the serial port as above. The goal of this program is to record & send to the serial port detailed evidence of "switch bouncing". You may want to read in the manual/ask us about "arrays".