QC Report Generation for affyBatch objects

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Documentation for package ‘affyQCReport’ version 1.56.0

Help Pages

affyQAReport Generate a QA Report for Affymetrix arrays
borderQC1 Distribution of intensities of the border elements
borderQC2 Center of intensity QC plots
correlationPlot Array-array intensity correlation plot
openQAReport Generate a QA Report for Affymetrix arrays
QCReport QC Report for AffyBatch objects
QCReport-correlationPlot Array-array intensity correlation plot
QCReport-signalDist Intensity distribution plots for a AffyBatch object
QCReport-titlePage QC report title page with array names
rmQAReport Generate a QA Report for Affymetrix arrays
signalDist Intensity distribution plots for a AffyBatch object
titlePage QC report title page with array names