The Smarties Song

In Britain and Canada, Smarties are a popular candy-coated chocolate similar to M&Ms in the United States. In England in the 1970s, when I was a little boy, some colors of Smarties had distinctive flavors. Dark brown ones were dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate, and orange ones tasted of orange. A 200g bag of Canadian Smarties that I sampled in 1997 was distressingly uniform, but in compensation for this disappointment, it was inscribed with this bilingual literary gem.

Chantez le Chanson des Smarties!

Quand vous mangez des Smarties,
Gardez-vous les rouges pour le fin?
Les sucez-vous lentement,
Les croquez-vous vivement?
Mangez tous des Smarties,
Mais répondez-moi bien,
Quand vous mangez des Smarties,
Gardez-vous les rouges pour le fin?

Sing the Smarties Song!

When you eat your Smarties,
Do you eat the red ones last?
Do you suck them very slowly,
Or crunch them very fast?
Eat that candy-coated chocolate,
But tell me when I ask,
When you eat your Smarties,
Do you eat the red ones last?
