Politics and Adversarial Media — 4 of 5

Adam, Andras, and Roman

Release 1

Part 3 - The Meeting With Steve - Not for release

Chapter 2 - Television Interview

Part 1 - Your Home

Your Home is a room. The description of Your Home is "[line break]... A few weeks later ...[line break][line break]The phone rings. You pick it up.[roman type]".

HasSelectedShow is a truth state that varies. HasSelectedShow is usually false.

ShowName is a text variable.

Showing Issue is an action applying to nothing. Understand "issue" as showing issue.

After Showing Issue:

say "Issue is [ChosenIssue]".

Answering The Phone is an action applying to nothing. Understand "hi" or "hey" or "hello" or "who is it" or "whats up" as Answering The Phone when player is in Your Home.

After Answering The Phone:

if HasSelectedShow is false:

say "[line break]Hey [CandidateFirstName], it's Larry, from the office. Our recent advertisements are causing quite a media stir. We'd like to schedule an interview for you with either Bill O'Reilly or Jon Stewart. Who would you like to interview with?".

Selecting bor is an action applying to nothing. Understand "bill" or "o'reilly" or "oreilly" or "bill o'reillly" or "yes" or "yea" as selecting bor when player is in Your Home.

After selecting bor:

if HasSelectedShow is false:

if CandidateParty is "dem":

say "[line break]Ok [CandidateFirstName], I'll alert O[apostrophe]Reilly[apostrophe]s staff";


say "[line break]Ok [CandidateFirstName], I'll alert Bill[']s staff";

change ShowName to "Bill O'Reilly";

change HasSelectedShow to true;

say "[line break][italic type]You tell Larry thanks. A few days later, you go to your interview on The Factor, with Bill O[apostrophe]reilly.[roman type][line break][line break]";

wait 2.0000 seconds before continuing;

say "[line break]Hey [CandidateFirstName], it's great to have you back on the show. So this there's been a lot of talk about this new television commercial your campaign has been running. It really is about [ChosenSubject] issues, and it makes some interesting points. We[']ll read you some polls we took, but before that, let[']s take a look at the ad. Let[apostrophe]s take a look.[line break]...[line break]";

wait 3.500 seconds before continuing;

say "[line break]First, let me just give you my reaction";

try Bill Reacting;

change InInterview to true;

move player to The Factor, without printing a room description.

Selecting js is an action applying to nothing. Understand "jon" or "stewart" or "jon stewart" as selecting js when player is in Your Home.

After selecting js:

if HasSelectedShow is false:

if CandidateParty is "dem":

say "[line break]Ok [CandidateFirstName], I'll alert Jon[apostrophe]s staff.";


say "[line break]Ok [CandidateFirstName], I'll alert Stewart[apostrophe]s staff.";

change ShowName to "Jon Stewart";

change HasSelectedShow to true;

say "[line break][italic type]You tell Larry thanks. A few days later, you go to your interview on The Daily Show, with Jon Stewart.[roman type][line break]";

wait 2.0000 seconds before continuing;

say "[line break]Hey [CandidateFirstName], it's great to have you back on the show. So this there's been a lot of talk about this new television commercial your campaign has been running. It really is about [ChosenSubject] issues, and it makes some interesting points. We[']ll read you some polls we took, but before that, let[']s take a look at the ad. Let[apostrophe]s take a look.[line break]...[line break]";

wait 3.500 seconds before continuing;

say "First, let me just give you my reaction";

try Jon Reacting;

change InInterview to true;

move player to The Daily Show, without printing a room description.